AXI FIFO Interface Signals - 1.0 English - PG327

Embedded FIFO Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG327)

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1.0 English

The following sections define the AXI FIFO interface signals.

The value of s_axis_tready, s_axi_awready, s_axi_wready, m_axi_bready, s_axi_arready and m_axi_rready is 1 outside Reset Window. To avoid unexpected behavior, do not perform any transactions during Reset Window.
Note: Reset Window: reset duration + 60 slowest clock cycles.

Global Signals

The following table defines the global interface signals for AXI FIFO.

The s_aresetn signal causes a reset of the entire core logic. It is an active-Low, asynchronous input synchronized internally in the core before use. The initial hardware reset should be generated by the user.
Table 1. AXI FIFO - Global Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
Global Clock and Reset Signals Mapped to FIFO Clock and Reset Inputs
m_aclk Input Global Master Interface Clock: All signals on Master Interface of AXI FIFO are synchronous to m_aclk
s_aclk Input Global Slave Interface Clock: All signals are sampled on the rising edge of this clock.
s_aresetn Input Global Reset: This signal is active-Low.

AXI4-Stream FIFO Interface Signals

The following table defines the AXI4-Stream FIFO interface signals.
Table 2. AXI4-Stream FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4-Stream Interface: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axis_tvalid Input TVALID: Indicates that the master is driving a valid transfer. A transfer takes place when both TVALID and TREADY are asserted.
s_axis_tready Output TREADY: Indicates that the slave can accept a transfer in the current cycle.
AXI4-Stream Interface: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axis_tdata[m-1:0] Input TDATA: The primary payload that is used to provide the data that is passing across the interface. The width of the data payload is an integer number of bytes.
s_axis_tstrb[m/8-1:0] Input TSTRB: The byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte or a position byte. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
  • STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
s_axis_tkeep[m/8-1:0] Input TKEEP: The byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream. Associated bytes that have the TKEEP byte qualifier deasserted are null bytes and can be removed from the data stream. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • KEEP[0] = 0b, DATA[7:0] is a NULL byte
  • KEEP [7] = 1b, DATA[63:56] is not a NULL byte
s_axis_tlast Input TLAST: Indicates the boundary of a packet.
s_axis_tid[m:0] Input TID: The data stream identifier that indicates different streams of data.
s_axis_tdest[m:0] Input TDEST: Provides routing information for the data stream.
s_axis_tuser[m:0] Input TUSER: The user-defined sideband information that can be transmitted alongside the data stream.
AXI4-Stream Interface: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axis_tvalid Output TVALID: Indicates that the master is driving a valid transfer. A transfer takes place when both tvalid and tready are asserted.
m_axis_tready Input TREADY: Indicates that the slave can accept a transfer in the current cycle.
AXI4-Stream Interface: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axis_tdata[m-1:0] Output TDATA: The primary payload that is used to provide the data that is passing across the interface. The width of the data payload is an integer number of bytes.
m_axis_tstrb[m/8-1:0] Output TSTRB: The byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte or a position byte. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
  • STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
m_axis_tkeep[m/8-1:0] Output TKEEP: The byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream. Associated bytes that have the TKEEP byte qualifier deasserted are null bytes and can be removed from the data stream. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • KEEP[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is a NULL byte
  • KEEP [7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not a NULL byte
m_axis_tlast Output TLAST: Indicates the boundary of a packet.
m_axis_tid[m:0] Output TID: The data stream identifier that indicates different streams of data.
m_axis_tdest[m:0] Output TDEST: Provides routing information for the data stream.
m_axis_tuser[m:0] Output TUSER: The user-defined sideband information that can be transmitted alongside the data stream.
AXI4-Stream FIFO: Optional Sideband Signals
injectsbiterr_axis Input Inject Single-Bit Error: Injects a single-bit error if the ECC feature is used.
injectdbiterr_axis Input Inject Double-Bit Error: Injects a double-bit error if the ECC feature is used.
sbiterr_axis Output Single-Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected and fixed a single-bit error.
dbiterr_axis Output Double-Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
wr_data_count_axis[d:0] Output Write Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never underreport the number of words in the FIFO, to ensure you never overflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when a write operation occurs at the rising edge of write clock; that write operation will only be reflected on wr_data_count at the second rising clock edge.
  • D= log2(FIFO depth)+1
rd_data_count_axis[d:0] Output Read Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words available for reading in the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never over-report the number of words available for reading, to ensure that you do not underflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when the read operation occurs at the rising edge of read clock; that read operation is only reflected on rd_data_count at the second rising clock edge.
  • D = log2(FIFO depth)+1
prog_full_axis Output Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than the programmable threshold.
prog_empty_axis Output Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO exceeds the programmable threshold.

AXI4 FIFO Interface Signals

Write Channels
The following table defines the AXI4 FIFO interface signals for the Write Address Channel.
Table 3. AXI4 Write Address Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4 Interface Write Address Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axi_awid[m:0] Input Write Address ID: Identification tag for the write address group of signals.
s_axi_awaddr[m:0] Input Write Address: The write address bus gives the address of the first transfer in a write burst transaction. The associated control signals are used to determine the addresses of the remaining transfers in the burst.
s_axi_awlen[7:0] Input Burst Length: The burst length gives the exact number of transfers in a burst. This information determines the number of data transfers associated with the address.
s_axi_awsize[2:0] Input Burst Size: Indicates the size of each transfer in the burst. Byte lane strobes indicate exactly which byte lanes to update.
s_axi_awburst[1:0] Input Burst Type: The burst type, coupled with the size information, details how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated.
s_axi_awlock[1:0] Input Lock Type: This signal provides additional information about the atomic characteristics of the transfer.
s_axi_awcache[3:0] Input Cache Type: Indicates the bufferable, cacheable, write-through, write-back, and allocate attributes of the transaction.
s_axi_awprot[2:0] Input Protection Type: Indicates the normal, privileged, or secure protection level of the transaction and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access.
s_axi_awqos[3:0] Input Quality of Service (QoS): Sent on the write address channel for each write transaction.
s_axi_awregion[3:0] Input Region Identifier: Sent on the write address channel for each write transaction.
s_axi_awuser[m:0] Input Write Address Channel User
AXI4 Interface Write Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axi_awvalid Input Write Address Valid: Indicates that valid write address and control information are available:
  • 1 = Address and control information available.
  • 0 = Address and control information not available.
  • The address and control information remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, awready, goes High.
s_axi_awready Output Write Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.
AXI4 Interface Write Address Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axi_awid[m:0] Output Write Address ID: This signal is the identification tag for the write address group of signals.
m_axi_awaddr[m:0] Output Write Address: The write address bus gives the address of the first transfer in a write burst transaction. The associated control signals are used to determine the addresses of the remaining transfers in the burst.
m_axi_awlen[7:0] Output Burst Length: The burst length gives the exact number of transfers in a burst. This information determines the number of data transfers associated with the address.
m_axi_awsize[2:0] Output Burst Size: This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst. Byte lane strobes indicate exactly which byte lanes to update.
m_axi_awburst[1:0] Output Burst Type: The burst type, coupled with the size information, details how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated.
m_axi_awlock[1:0] Output Lock Type: This signal provides additional information about the atomic characteristics of the transfer.
m_axi_awcache[3:0] Output Cache Type: This signal indicates the bufferable, cacheable, write-through, write-back, and allocate attributes of the transaction.
m_axi_awprot[2:0] Output Protection Type: This signal indicates the normal, privileged, or secure protection level of the transaction and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access.
m_axi_awqos[3:0] Output Quality of Service (QoS): Sent on the write address channel for each write transaction.
m_axi_awregion[3:0] Output Region Identifier: Sent on the write address channel for each write transaction.
m_axi_awuser[m:0] Output Write Address Channel User
AXI4 Interface Write Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axi_awvalid Output Write Address Valid: Indicates that valid write address and control information are available:
  • 1 = address and control information available
  • 0 = address and control information not available
  • The address and control information remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, AWREADY, goes high.
m_axi_awready Input Write Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready
  • 0 = Slave not ready

The following table defines the AXI4 FIFO interface signals for the Write Data Channel.

Table 4. AXI4 Write Data Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4 Interface Write Data Channel: Information Signals mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axi_wdata[m-1:0] Input Write Data: The write data bus can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
s_axi_wstrb[m/8-1:0] Input Write Strobes: Indicates which byte lanes to update in memory. There is one write strobe for each eight bits of the write data bus. Therefore, WSTRB[n] corresponds to WDATA[(8 × n) + 7:(8 × n)]. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
  • STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
s_axi_wlast Input Write Last: Indicates the last transfer in a write burst.
s_axi_wuser[m:0] Input Write Data Channel User
AXI4 Interface Write Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axi_wvalid Input Write Valid: Indicates that valid write data and strobes are available:
  • 1 = Write data and strobes available.
  • 0 = Write data and strobes not available.
s_axi_wready Output Write Ready: Indicates that the slave can accept the write data:
  • 1 = Slave ready
  • 0 = Slave not ready
AXI4 Interface Write Data Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axi_wdata[m-1:0] Output Write Data: The write data bus can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
m_axi_wstrb[m/8-1:0] Output Write Strobes: Indicates which byte lanes to update in memory. There is one write strobe for each eight bits of the write data bus. Therefore, WSTRB[n] corresponds to WDATA[(8 × n) + 7:(8 × n)]. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
  • STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
m_axi_wlast Output Write Last: Indicates the last transfer in a write burst.
m_axi_wuser[m:0] Output Write Data Channel User
AXI4 Interface Write Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axi_wvalid Output Write valid: Indicates that valid write data and strobes are available:
  • 1 = Write data and strobes available
  • 0 = Write data and strobes not available
m_axi_wready Input Write ready: Indicates that the slave can accept the write data:
  • 1 = Slave ready
  • 0 = Slave not ready
AXI4 Write Data Channel FIFO: Optional Sideband Signals
injectsbiterr_wdch Input Inject Single-Bit Error: Injects a single bit error if the ECC feature is used.
injectdbiterr_wdch Input Inject Double-Bit Error: Injects a double bit error if the ECC feature is used.
sbiterr_wdch Output Single-Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected and fixed a single-bit error.
dbiterr_wdch Output Double-Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
wr_data_count_wdch[d:0] Output Write Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never underreport the number of words in the FIFO, to ensure you never overflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when a write operation occurs at the rising edge of write clock, that write operation will only be reflected on wr_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1
rd_data_count_wdch[d:0] Output Read Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words available for reading in the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never over-report the number of words available for reading, to ensure that you do not underflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when the read operation occurs at the rising edge of read clock, that read operation is only reflected on rd_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1
prog_full_wdch Output Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than the programmable threshold.
prog_empty_wdch Output Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO exceeds the programmable threshold.

The following table defines the AXI4 FIFO interface signals for the Write Response Channel.

Table 5. AXI4 Write Response Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4 Interface Write Response Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
s_axi_bid[m:0] Output Response ID: The identification tag of the write response. The BID value must match the AWID value of the write transaction to which the slave is responding.
s_axi_bresp[1:0] Output Write Response: Indicates the status of the write transaction. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
s_axi_buser[m:0] Output Write Response Channel User
AXI4 Interface Write Response Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
s_axi_bvalid Output Write Response Valid: Indicates that a valid write response is available:
  • 1 = Write response available.
  • 0 = Write response not available.
s_axi_bready Input Response Ready: Indicates that the master can accept the response information.
  • 1 = Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.
AXI4 Interface Write Response Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
m_axi_bid[m:0] Input Response ID: The identification tag of the write response. The BID value must match the AWID value of the write transaction to which the slave is responding.
m_axi_bresp[1:0] Input Write Response: Indicates the status of the write transaction. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
m_axi_buser[m:0] Input Write Response Channel User
AXI4 Interface Write Response Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
m_axi_bvalid Input Write Response Valid: Indicates that a valid write response is available:
  • 1 = Write response available.
  • 0 = Write response not available.
m_axi_bready Output Response Ready: Indicates that the master can accept the response information.
  • 1 = Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.

Read Channels

The following table defines the AXI4 FIFO interface signals for the Read Address Channel.

Table 6. AXI4 Read Address Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4 Interface Read Address Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axi_arid[m:0] Input Read Address ID: This signal is the identification tag for the read address group of signals.
s_axi_araddr[m:0] Input Read Address: The read address bus gives the initial address of a read burst transaction. Only the start address of the burst is provided and the control signals that are issued alongside the address detail how the address is calculated for the remaining transfers in the burst.
s_axi_arlen[7:0] Input Burst Length: The burst length gives the exact number of transfers in a burst. This information determines the number of data transfers associated with the address.
s_axi_arsize[2:0] Input Burst Size: This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst.
s_axi_arburst[1:0] Input Burst Type: The burst type, coupled with the size information, details how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated.
s_axi_arlock[1:0] Input Lock Type: This signal provides additional information about the atomic characteristics of the transfer.
s_axi_arcache[3:0] Input Cache Type: This signal provides additional information about the cacheable characteristics of the transfer.
s_axi_arprot[2:0] Input Protection Type: This signal provides protection unit information for the transaction.
s_axi_arqos[3:0] Input Quality of Service (QoS): Sent on the read address channel for each read transaction.
s_axi_arregion[3:0] Input Region Identifier: Sent on the read address channel for each read transaction.
s_axi_aruser[m:0] Input Read Address Channel User
AXI4 Interface Read Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axi_arvalid Input Read Address Valid: When high, indicates that the read address and control information is valid and will remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, arready, is high.
  • 1 = Address and control information valid.
  • 0 = Address and control information not valid.
s_axi_arready Output Read Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.
AXI4 Interface Read Address Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axi_arid[m:0] Output Read Address ID: This signal is the identification tag for the read address group of signals.
m_axi_araddr[m:0] Output Read Address: The read address bus gives the initial address of a read burst transaction. Only the start address of the burst is provided and the control signals that are issued alongside the address detail how the address is calculated for the remaining transfers in the burst.
m_axi_arlen[7:0] Output Burst Length: The burst length gives the exact number of transfers in a burst. This information determines the number of data transfers associated with the address.
m_axi_arsize[2:0] Output Burst Size: This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst.
m_axi_arburst[1:0] Output Burst Type: The burst type, coupled with the size information, details how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated.
m_axi_arlock[1:0] Output Lock Type: This signal provides additional information about the atomic characteristics of the transfer.
m_axi_arcache[3:0] Output Cache Type: This signal provides additional information about the cacheable characteristics of the transfer.
m_axi_arprot[2:0] Output Protection Type: This signal provides protection unit information for the transaction.
m_axi_arqos[3:0] Output Quality of Service (QoS) signaling, sent on the read address channel for each read transaction.
m_axi_arregion[3:0] Output Region Identifier: Sent on the read address channel for each read transaction.
m_axi_aruser[m:0] Output Read Address Channel User
AXI4 Interface Read Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axi_arvalid Output Read Address Valid: Indicates, when HIGH, that the read address and control information is valid and will remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, arready, is high.
  • 1 = Address and control information valid.
  • 0 = Address and control information not valid.
m_axi_arready Input Read Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.

The following table defines the AXI4 FIFO interface signals for the Read Data Channel.

Table 7. AXI4 Read Data Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4 Interface Read Data Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
s_axi_rid[m:0] Output Read ID Tag: ID tag of the read data group of signals. The RID value is generated by the slave and must match the ARID value of the read transaction to which it is responding.
s_axi_rdata[m-1:0] Output Read Data: Can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
s_axi_rresp[1:0] Output Read Response: Indicates the status of the read transfer. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
s_axi_rlast Output Read Last: Indicates the last transfer in a read burst.
s_axi_ruser[m:0] Output Read Data Channel User
AXI4 Interface Read Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
s_axi_rvalid Output Read Valid: Indicates that the required read data is available and the read transfer can complete:
  • 1 = Read data available.
  • 0 = Read data not available.
s_axi_rready Input Read Ready: Indicates that the master can accept the read data and response information:
  • 1= Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.
AXI4 Interface Read Data Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
m_axi_rid[m:0] Input Read ID Tag: ID tag of the read data group of signals. The RID value is generated by the slave and must match the ARID value of the read transaction to which it is responding.
m_axi_rdata[m-1:0] Input Read Data: Can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
m_axi_ rresp[1:0] Input Read Response: Indicates the status of the read transfer. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
m_axi_rlast Input Read Last: Indicates the last transfer in a read burst.
m_axi_ruser[m:0] Input Read Data Channel User
AXI4 Interface Read Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
m_axi_rvalid Input Read Valid: Indicates that the required read data is available and the read transfer can complete:
  • 1 = Read data available.
  • 0 = Read data not available.
m_axi_rready Output Read Ready: Indicates that the master can accept the read data and response information:
  • 1= Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.
AXI4 Read Data Channel FIFO: Optional Sideband Signals
injectsbiterr_rdch Input Injects a single bit error if the ECC feature is used.
injectdbiterr_rdch Input Injects a double bit error if the ECC feature is used.
sbiterr_rdch Output Single Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected and fixed a single-bit error.
dbiterr_rdch Output Double Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
wr_data_count_rdch[d:0] Output Write Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never underreport the number of words in the FIFO, to ensure you never overflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when a write operation occurs at the rising edge of write clock, that write operation will only be reflected on wr_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1
rd_data_count_rdch[d:0] Output Read Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words available for reading in the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never over-report the number of words available for reading, to ensure that you do not underflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when the read operation occurs at the rising edge of read clock, that read operation is only reflected on rd_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1
prog_full_rdch Output Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than the programmable threshold.
prog_empty_rdch Output Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO exceeds the programmable threshold.

AXI4-Lite FIFO Interface Signals

Write Channels

The following table defines the AXI4-Lite FIFO interface signals for the Write Address Channel.

Table 8. AXI4-Lite Write Address Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Address Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axi_awaddr[m:0] Input Write Address: Gives the address of the first transfer in a write burst transaction. The associated control signals are used to determine the addresses of the remaining transfers in the burst.
s_axi_awprot[3:0] Input Protection Type: Indicates the normal, privileged, or secure protection level of the transaction and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axi_awvalid Input Write Address Valid: Indicates that valid write address and control information are available:
  • 1 = Address and control information available.
  • 0 = Address and control information not available.
The address and control information remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, AWREADY, goes high.
s_axi_awready Output Write Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Address Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axi_awaddr[m:0] Output Write Address: Gives the address of the first transfer in a write burst transaction. The associated control signals are used to determine the addresses of the remaining transfers in the burst.
m_axi_awprot[3:0] Output Protection Type: This signal indicates the normal, privileged, or secure protection level of the transaction and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axi_awvalid Output Write Address Valid: Indicates that valid write address and control information are available:
  • 1 = Address and control information available.
  • 0 = Address and control information not available.
The address and control information remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, AWREADY, goes high.
m_axi_awready Input Write Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.

The following table defines the AXI4-Lite FIFO interface signals for the Write Data Channel.

Table 9. AXI4-Lite Write Data Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Data Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axi_wdata[m-1:0] Input Write Data: Can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
s_axi_wstrb[m/8-1:0] Input Write Strobes: Indicates which byte lanes to update in memory. There is one write strobe for each eight bits of the write data bus. Therefore, WSTRB[n] corresponds to WDATA[(8 × n) + 7:(8 × n)]. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
  • STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axi_wvalid Input Write Valid: Indicates that valid write data and strobes are available:
  • 1 = Write data and strobes available.
  • 0 = Write data and strobes not available.
s_axi_wready Output Write Ready: Indicates that the slave can accept the write data:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Data Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axi_wdata[m-1:0] Output Write Data: Can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
m_axi_wstrb[m/8-1:0] Output Write Strobes: Indicates which byte lanes to update in memory. There is one write strobe for each eight bits of the write data bus. Therefore, WSTRB[n] corresponds to WDATA[(8 × n) + 7:(8 × n)]. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to the most significant byte. For example:
  • STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
  • STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axi_wvalid Output Write Valid: Indicates that valid write data and strobes are available:
  • 1 = Write data and strobes available
  • 0 = Write data and strobes not available
m_axi_wready Input Write Ready: Indicates that the slave can accept the write data:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.
AXI4-Lite Write Data Channel FIFO: Optional Sideband Signals
injectsbiterr_wdch Input Injects a single bit error if the ECC feature is used.
injectdbiterr_wdch Input Injects a double bit error if the ECC feature is used.
sbiterr_wdch Output Single Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected and fixed a single-bit error.
dbiterr_wdch Output Double Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
wr_data_count_wdch[d:0] Output Write Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never underreport the number of words in the FIFO, to ensure you never overflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when a write operation occurs at the rising edge of write clock, that write operation will only be reflected on wr_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1.
rd_data_count_wdch[d:0] Output Read Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words available for reading in the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never over-report the number of words available for reading, to ensure that you do not underflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when the read operation occurs at the rising edge of read clock, that read operation is only reflected on rd_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1.
prog_full_wdch Output Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than the programmable threshold.
w_prog_empty_wdch Output Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO exceeds the programmable threshold.

The following table defines the AXI4-Lite FIFO interface signals for the Write Response Channel.

Table 10. AXI4-Lite Write Response Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Response Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
s_axi_bresp[1:0] Output Write Response: Indicates the status of the write transaction. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Response Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
s_axi_bvalid Output Write Response Valid: Indicates that a valid write response is available:
  • 1 = Write response available.
  • 0 = Write response not available.
s_axi_bready Input Response Ready: Indicates that the master can accept the response information.
  • 1 = Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Response Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
m_axi_bresp[1:0] Input Write response: Indicates the status of the write transaction. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
AXI4-Lite Interface Write Response Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
m_axi_bvalid Input Write response valid: Indicates that a valid write response is available:
  • 1 = Write response available.
  • 0 = Write response not available.
m_axi_bready Output Response ready: Indicates that the master can accept the response information.
  • 1 = Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.

Read Channels

The following table defines the AXI4-Lite FIFO interface signals for the Read Address Channel.

Table 11. AXI4-Lite Read Address Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Address Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
s_axi_araddr[m:0] Input Read Address: The read address bus gives the initial address of a read burst transaction. Only the start address of the burst is provided and the control signals that are issued alongside the address detail how the address is calculated for the remaining transfers in the burst.
s_axi_arprot[3:0] Input Protection Type: This signal provides protection unit information for the transaction.
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
s_axi_arvalid Input Read Address Valid: When high, indicates that the read address and control information is valid and will remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, arready, is High.
  • 1 = Address and control information valid.
  • 0 = Address and control information not valid.
s_axi_arready Output Read Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Address Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
m_axi_araddr[m:0] Output Read Address: The read address bus gives the initial address of a read burst transaction. Only the start address of the burst is provided and the control signals that are issued alongside the address detail how the address is calculated for the remaining transfers in the burst.
m_axi_arprot[3:0] Output Protection Type: This signal provides protection unit information for the transaction.
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Address Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
m_axi_arvalid Output Read Address Valid: When high, indicates that the read address and control information is valid and will remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, arready, is high.
  • 1 = Address and control information valid.
  • 0 = Address and control information not valid.
m_axi_arready Input Read Address Ready: Indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals:
  • 1 = Slave ready.
  • 0 = Slave not ready.

The following table defines the AXI4-Lite FIFO interface signals for the Write Data Channel.

Table 12. AXI4-Lite Read Data Channel FIFO Interface Signals
Name Direction Description
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Data Channel: Information Signals Mapped to FIFO Data Output (dout) Bus
s_axi_rdata[m-1:0] Output Read Data: The read data bus can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
s_axi_rresp[1:0] Output Read Response: Indicates the status of the read transfer. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Read Interface
s_axi_rvalid Output Read Valid: Indicates that the required read data is available and the read transfer can complete:
  • 1 = Read data available.
  • 0 = Read data not available.
s_axi_rready Input Read Ready: indicates that the master can accept the read data and response information:
  • 1= Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Data Channel: Information Signals Derived from FIFO Data Input (din) Bus
m_axi_rdata[m-1:0] Input Read Data: The read data bus can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512 bits wide.
m_axi_ rresp[1:0] Input Read Response: Indicates the status of the read transfer. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR.
AXI4-Lite Interface Read Data Channel: Handshake Signals for FIFO Write Interface
m_axi_rvalid Input Read Valid: Indicates that the required read data is available and the read transfer can complete:
  • 1 = Read data available.
  • 0 = Read data not available.
m_axi_rready Output Read ready: Indicates that the master can accept the read data and response information:
  • 1= Master ready.
  • 0 = Master not ready.
AXI4-Lite Read Data Channel FIFO: Optional Sideband Signals
injectsbiterr_rdch Input Inject Single-Bit Error: Injects a single bit error if the ECC feature is used.
injectdbiterr_rdch Input Inject DOuble-Bit Error. Injects a double bit error if the ECC feature is used.
sbiterr_rdch Output Single-Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected and fixed a single-bit error.
dbiterr_rdch Output Double-Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
wr_data_count_rdch[d:0] Output Write Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never underreport the number of words in the FIFO, to ensure you never overflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when a write operation occurs at the rising edge of write clock, that write operation will only be reflected on wr_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1.
rd_data_count_rdch[d:0] Output Read Data Count: This bus indicates the number of words available for reading in the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never over-report the number of words available for reading, to ensure that you do not underflow the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when the read operation occurs at the rising edge of read clock, that read operation is only reflected on rd_data_count at the next rising clock edge. D = log2(FIFO depth)+1.
prog_full_rdch Output Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than the programmable threshold.
prog_empty_rdch Output Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable threshold. It is deasserted when the number of words in the FIFO exceeds the programmable threshold.