Built-in Error Injection - 1.0 English - PG327

Embedded FIFO Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG327)

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1.0 English

Built-in Error Injection is supported for FIFOs configured with block RAM and UltraRAM FIFOs. When ECC and Error Injection are enabled, the block RAM and UltraRAM primitive used to create the FIFO is configured in the full ECC error injection mode, providing two additional inputs to the Embedded FIFO Generator core: injectsbiterr and injectdbiterr. These inputs indicate four possible results: no error injection, single bit error injection, double bit error injection, or both single bit and double bit error injection.

The ECC is calculated on a 64-bit wide data of ECC primitives. If the data width chosen is not an integral multiple of 64 (for example, there are spare bits in any ECC primitive), then a double bit error (dbiterr) can indicate that one or more errors have occurred in the spare bits. In this case, the accuracy of the dbiterr signal cannot be guaranteed. For example, if the data width is set to 16, then 48 bits of the ECC primitive are left empty. If two of the spare bits are corrupted, the dbiterr signal would be asserted even though the actual user data is not corrupt.

When injectsbiterr is asserted on a Write operation, a single bit error is injected and sbiterr is asserted upon read operation of a specific write. When injectdbiterr is asserted on a Write operation, a double bit error is injected and dbiterr is asserted upon read operation of a specific write. When both injectsbiterr and injectdbiterr are asserted on a write operation, a double bit error is injected and dbiterr is asserted upon read operation of a specific write. The following figure shows how the sbiterr and dbiterr outputs are generated in the Embedded FIFO Generator core.

Reset is not supported by the UltraRAM/block RAM macros when using the ECC option. Therefore, outputs of the FIFO core (dout, dbiterr and sbiterr) are not affected by reset, and they hold their previous values. See Resets for more details.

Figure 1. Error Injection and Correction