AXI FIFO Feature Summary - 1.0 English - PG327

Embedded FIFO Generator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG327)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

The following table summarizes the supported Embedded FIFO Generator core features for each clock configuration and memory type.

Table 1. AXI FIFO Configuration Summary
FIFO Options Common Clock Independent Clock
Block RAM/UltraRAM Distributed Memory Block RAM Distributed Memory
Full 1
Programmable Full 2
Programmable Empty 2
Data Counts
  1. Mapped to s_axis_tready/s_axi_awready/s_axi_wready/m_axi_bready/s_axi_arready/m_axi_rready depending on the Handshake Flag Options in the IDE.
  2. Mapped to m_axis_tvalid/m_axi_awvalid/m_axi_wvalid/s_axi_bvalid/m_axi_arvalid/s_axi_rvalid depending on the Handshake Flag Options in the IDE.Provided as sideband signal depending on the IDE option.Mapped to s_axis_tready/s_axi_awready/s_axi_wready/m_axi_bready/s_axi_arready/m_axi_rready depending on the Handshake Flag Options in the IDE.