The MIPI CSI-2 RX Subsystem I/O signals are described in the following table.
Signal Name | Direction | Description | |
lite_aclk | Input | AXI clock | |
lite_aresetn | Input | AXI reset. Active-Low. This signal should be synchronous to lite_aclk. | |
S00_AXI* | AXI4-Lite interface, defined in the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037) | ||
dphy_clk_200M | Input | Clock for D-PHY core. Must be 200 MHz. | |
video_aclk | Input | Subsystem clock | |
video_aresetn | Input | Subsystem reset. Active-Low. This signal should be synchronous to video_aclk. | |
AXI4-Stream Video Interface when Video Format Bridge is Present | |||
video_out_tvalid | Output | Data valid | |
video_out_tready | Input | Slave ready to accept the data | |
video_out_tuser[n-1:0] | Output | n is based on TUSER width selected in the Vivado IDE | |
95-80 | CRC | ||
79-72 | ECC | ||
71-70 | Reserved | ||
69-64 | Data Type | ||
63-48 | Word Count | ||
47-32 | Line Number | ||
31-16 | Frame Number | ||
15-2 | Reserved | ||
1 | Packet Error | ||
0 | Start of Frame | ||
video_out_tlast | Output | End of line | |
video_out_tdata[n-1:0] | Output |
Data n is based on the Data type and number of pixels selected in the Vivado IDE (see video_out Port Width). |
video_out_tdest[9:0] | Output | 9-4 | Data Type |
3-0 |
Virtual Channel Identifier (VC) Note: The TDEST value stays constant throughout the
AXI4-Stream Interface when Embedded Non-image Interface is Selected | |||
emb_nonimg_tdata[n-1:0] | Output |
Data n is based on Data type selected in the Vivado IDE (see Embedded Non-Image AXI4-Stream Interface TDATA Widths). |
emb_nonimg_tdest[3:0] | Output | Specifies the Virtual Channel Identifier (VC) value of the embedded non-image packet | |
emb_nonimg_tkeep[n/8-1:0] | Output | Specifies valid bytes | |
emb_nonimg_tlast | Output | End of line | |
emb_nonimg_tready | Input | Slave ready to accept data | |
emb_nonimg_tuser[95:0] | Output | 95-80 | CRC |
79-72 | ECC | ||
71-70 | Reserved | ||
69-64 | Data Type | ||
63-48 | Word Count | ||
47-32 | Line Number | ||
31-16 | Frame Number | ||
15-2 | Reserved | ||
1 | Packet Error | ||
0 | Start of frame | ||
emb_nonimg_tvalid | Output | Data valid | |
AXI4-Stream Interface when Video Format Bridge is Not Present | |||
video_out_tdata[n-1:0] | Output |
Data n is based on TDATA width selected in the Vivado IDE. |
video_out_tdest[n-1:0] | Output | n is based on TDEST width selected in the Vivado IDE: | |
9-4 | Data type | ||
3-0 | Virtual Channel Identifier (VC) | ||
video_out_tkeep[n/8-1:0] | Output | Specifies valid bytes | |
video_out_tlast | Output | End of line | |
video_out_tready | Input | Slave ready to accept data | |
video_out_tuser[n-1:0] | Output | n is based on TUSER width selected in the Vivado IDE | |
95-80 | CRC | ||
79-72 | ECC | ||
71-70 | Reserved | ||
69-64 | Data Type | ||
63-48 | Word Count | ||
47-32 | Line Number | ||
31-16 | Frame Number | ||
15-2 | Reserved | ||
1 | Packet Error | ||
0 | Start of frame | ||
video_out_tvalid | Output | Data valid | |
Other Signals | |||
csirxss_csi_irq | Output | Interrupt (active-High) from CSI-2 RX Controller | |
frame_rcvd_pulse_out | Output | High when the Frame End (FE) short packet is received for the frame_rcvd_pulse_out Output current frame | |
AMD 7 series FPGA | |||
mipi_dphy_if | Output | DPHY interface | |
rxbyteclkhs | Output | PPI high-speed receive byte clock | |
system_rst_out | Output | Reset indication due to PLL reset (active-High) | |
dlyctrl_rdy_out | Output | Ready signal output from IDEALYCTRL, stating delay values are adjusted as per vtc changes | |
dlyctrl_rdy_in | Input | Ready signal input to IDELAYCTRL. Refer to “Include IDELAYCTRL in Core” in the Configuration Tab for more details. | |
clk_300m | Input | 300 MHz clock for IDELAYCTRL | |
UltraScale+ and Versal Adaptive SoC Shared Logic Outside the Subsystem | |||
mipi_phy_if | Output | DPHY interface | |
rxbyteclkhs | Output | PPI high-speed receive byte clock | |
clkoutphy_out | Output | PHY serial clock | |
system_rst_out | Output | Reset indication due to PLL reset (active-High) | |
pll_lock_out | Output | PLL lock indication (active-High) | |
rxbyteclkhs_cnts_out | Output | Continuous PPI high-speed receive byte clock for line rates > 1500 Mb/s | |
UltraScale+ and Versal Adaptive SoC Shared Logic Inside the Subsystem | |||
mipi_phy_if | Output | DPHY interface | |
bg<x>_pin<y>_nc | Input |
Inferred bitslice ports. The core infers bitslice0 of a nibble for strobe propagation within the byte group; <x> indicates byte group (0,1,2,3); <y> indicates bitslice0 position (0 for the lower nibble, 6 for the upper nibble)
clkoutphy_in | Input | PHY serial clock | |
pll_lock_in | Input | PLL Lock indication | |
rxbyteclkhs | Output | PPI high-speed receive byte clock | |
rxbyteclkhs_cnts_in | Input | Continuous PPI high-speed receive byte clock for line rates > 1500 Mb/s | |
ext_mmcm_clk_in | Input | External mmcm clock when selected External mmcm for line rates >1500 | |
ext_mmcm_lock_in | Input | External mmcm lock in when selected External MMCM for line rates > 1500 | |
ext_mmcm_clk_out | Output | mmcm clock out when selected to use MMCM inside subsystem for line rates >1500 | |
ext_mmcm_lock_out | Output | mmcm lock out when selected to use MMCM inside subsystem for line rates > 1500 | |
CSI-2 Controller Register Interface Disabled | |||
ctrl_core_en | Input | Enable the core to receive and process packets | |
active_lanes[1:0] | Input | Active lanes | |
ctrl_dis_in_prgs | Output | Indicates the CSI-2 RX Controller core disable is in progress | |
errsotsynchs_intr | Output | Interrupt output indicating SoT synchronization completely failed | |
errsoths_intr | Output | Interrupt output indicating SoT error detected | |
cl_stopstate_intr | Output | High when clock lane is currently in stop state | |
dl<n>_stopstate_intr | Output | High when the lane module is currently in stop state | |
crc_status_intr | Output | High when the computed CRC code is different from the received CRC code | |
ecc_status_intr[1:0] | Output | Bit 1- High when ECC syndrome is computed and two bits
error is detected in the received packet header Bit 0- High when ECC syndrome was computed and a single bit error in the packet header was detected and corrected |
linebuffer_full | Output | High when line buffer is full | |