Port Descriptions - 6.0 English - PG232

MIPI CSI-2 Receiver Subsystem Product Guide (PG232)

Document ID
Release Date
6.0 English

The MIPI CSI-2 RX Subsystem I/O signals are described in the following table.

Table 1. Port Descriptions
Signal Name Direction Description
lite_aclk Input AXI clock
lite_aresetn Input AXI reset. Active-Low. This signal should be synchronous to lite_aclk.
S00_AXI*   AXI4-Lite interface, defined in the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037)
dphy_clk_200M Input Clock for D-PHY core. Must be 200 MHz.
video_aclk Input Subsystem clock
video_aresetn Input Subsystem reset. Active-Low. This signal should be synchronous to video_aclk.
AXI4-Stream Video Interface when Video Format Bridge is Present
video_out_tvalid Output Data valid
video_out_tready Input Slave ready to accept the data
video_out_tuser[n-1:0] Output n is based on TUSER width selected in the Vivado IDE
95-80 CRC
79-72 ECC
71-70 Reserved
69-64 Data Type
63-48 Word Count
47-32 Line Number
31-16 Frame Number
15-2 Reserved
1 Packet Error
0 Start of Frame
video_out_tlast Output End of line
video_out_tdata[n-1:0] Output


n is based on the Data type and number of pixels selected in the Vivado IDE (see video_out Port Width).

video_out_tdest[9:0] Output 9-4 Data Type

Virtual Channel Identifier (VC)

Note: The TDEST value stays constant throughout the line.
AXI4-Stream Interface when Embedded Non-image Interface is Selected
emb_nonimg_tdata[n-1:0] Output


n is based on Data type selected in the Vivado IDE (see Embedded Non-Image AXI4-Stream Interface TDATA Widths).

emb_nonimg_tdest[3:0] Output Specifies the Virtual Channel Identifier (VC) value of the embedded non-image packet
emb_nonimg_tkeep[n/8-1:0] Output Specifies valid bytes
emb_nonimg_tlast Output End of line
emb_nonimg_tready Input Slave ready to accept data
emb_nonimg_tuser[95:0] Output 95-80 CRC
79-72 ECC
71-70 Reserved
69-64 Data Type
63-48 Word Count
47-32 Line Number
31-16 Frame Number
15-2 Reserved
1 Packet Error
0 Start of frame
emb_nonimg_tvalid Output Data valid
AXI4-Stream Interface when Video Format Bridge is Not Present
video_out_tdata[n-1:0] Output


n is based on TDATA width selected in the Vivado IDE.

video_out_tdest[n-1:0] Output n is based on TDEST width selected in the Vivado IDE:
9-4 Data type
3-0 Virtual Channel Identifier (VC)
video_out_tkeep[n/8-1:0] Output Specifies valid bytes
video_out_tlast Output End of line
video_out_tready Input Slave ready to accept data
video_out_tuser[n-1:0] Output n is based on TUSER width selected in the Vivado IDE
95-80 CRC
79-72 ECC
71-70 Reserved
69-64 Data Type
63-48 Word Count
47-32 Line Number
31-16 Frame Number
15-2 Reserved
1 Packet Error
0 Start of frame
video_out_tvalid Output Data valid
Other Signals
csirxss_csi_irq Output Interrupt (active-High) from CSI-2 RX Controller
frame_rcvd_pulse_out Output High when the Frame End (FE) short packet is received for the frame_rcvd_pulse_out Output current frame
AMD 7 series FPGA
mipi_dphy_if Output DPHY interface
rxbyteclkhs Output PPI high-speed receive byte clock
system_rst_out Output Reset indication due to PLL reset (active-High)
dlyctrl_rdy_out Output Ready signal output from IDEALYCTRL, stating delay values are adjusted as per vtc changes
dlyctrl_rdy_in Input Ready signal input to IDELAYCTRL. Refer to “Include IDELAYCTRL in Core” in the Configuration Tab for more details.
clk_300m Input 300 MHz clock for IDELAYCTRL
UltraScale+ and Versal Adaptive SoC Shared Logic Outside the Subsystem
mipi_phy_if Output DPHY interface
rxbyteclkhs Output PPI high-speed receive byte clock
clkoutphy_out Output PHY serial clock
system_rst_out Output Reset indication due to PLL reset (active-High)
pll_lock_out Output PLL lock indication (active-High)
rxbyteclkhs_cnts_out Output Continuous PPI high-speed receive byte clock for line rates > 1500 Mb/s
UltraScale+ and Versal Adaptive SoC Shared Logic Inside the Subsystem
mipi_phy_if Output DPHY interface
bg<x>_pin<y>_nc Input

Inferred bitslice ports. The core infers bitslice0 of a nibble for strobe propagation within the byte group; <x> indicates byte group (0,1,2,3); <y> indicates bitslice0 position (0 for the lower nibble, 6 for the upper nibble)

  • RTL Design: There is no need to drive any data on these ports.
  • IP integrator: These ports must be brought to the top level of the design to apply the constraints correctly.
  • Pins are available only for AMD UltraScale+ families.
  • BITSLICE defines a single I/O for UltraScale+, NIBBLESLICE defines a single I/O for Versal devices.
clkoutphy_in Input PHY serial clock
pll_lock_in Input PLL Lock indication
rxbyteclkhs Output PPI high-speed receive byte clock
rxbyteclkhs_cnts_in Input Continuous PPI high-speed receive byte clock for line rates > 1500 Mb/s
ext_mmcm_clk_in Input External mmcm clock when selected External mmcm for line rates >1500
ext_mmcm_lock_in Input External mmcm lock in when selected External MMCM for line rates > 1500
ext_mmcm_clk_out Output mmcm clock out when selected to use MMCM inside subsystem for line rates >1500
ext_mmcm_lock_out Output mmcm lock out when selected to use MMCM inside subsystem for line rates > 1500
CSI-2 Controller Register Interface Disabled
ctrl_core_en Input Enable the core to receive and process packets
active_lanes[1:0] Input Active lanes
ctrl_dis_in_prgs Output Indicates the CSI-2 RX Controller core disable is in progress
errsotsynchs_intr Output Interrupt output indicating SoT synchronization completely failed
errsoths_intr Output Interrupt output indicating SoT error detected
cl_stopstate_intr Output High when clock lane is currently in stop state
dl<n>_stopstate_intr Output High when the lane module is currently in stop state
crc_status_intr Output High when the computed CRC code is different from the received CRC code
ecc_status_intr[1:0] Output Bit 1- High when ECC syndrome is computed and two bits error is detected in the received packet header

Bit 0- High when ECC syndrome was computed and a single bit error in the packet header was detected and corrected

linebuffer_full Output High when line buffer is full
  1. The active-High reset for the MIPI D-PHY core is generated internally by setting the external active-Low reset (video_aresetn ) to 0.
  2. Each frame start packet with Virtual Channel (VC) identifier is mapped to the first image packet and the first embedded non-image with the corresponding VC.
  3. As CRC appears at the end of the MIPI packet, ECC, and CRC are reported ONLY during the last beat of the stream transfer when TLAST and TVALID are asserted. You need to ignore the ECC/CRC reported during other transfer beats. See Interface Debug for more details.