Output Tab - 2024.2 English - UG907

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization (UG907)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Output tab displays various power result files. The Output tab contains the following settings:

Output Text File
For project documentation you might want to save the power estimation results. In other circumstances you can experiment with different mapping, placement, and routing options to close on performance or area constraints. Saving power results for each experiment helps you select the most power-effective solution when several experiments meet your requirements.
Output XPE file (for XPE/PDM)
This file, when selected, saves all the environment information, device usage, and design activity in a file (.xpe) which you can later import into the XPE spreadsheet or PDM tool. This proves quite useful when your power budget is exceeded and you do not think that software optimization features alone will be able to meet your budgets. In this case, import the current implementation results into XPE spreadsheet or PDM tool, explore different mapping, gating, folding, and other strategies, and estimate their impact on power before modifying the RTL code or rerunning the implementation. You can also compare your assumptions in the XPE or PDM spreadsheet with these synthesis results and adjust XPE or PDM where appropriate.
Output RPX file
This file saves the interactive power report in RPX format, which can later be opened in the AMD Vivado™ Integrated Design Environment (IDE) by using the open_report command. An RPX file is generated during an implementation run in a Vivado project. Opening an implementation run also opens the interactive power report.