Device Characterization - 2024.2 English - UG907

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization (UG907)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
Devices with the Advance designation have data models primarily based on simulation results or measurements from early production device lots. This data is typically available within a year of product launch. The Power model data with this designation is considered relatively stable and conservative, although some under or over-reporting can occur. Advance data accuracy is considered lower than the Preliminary and Production data.
Devices with the Preliminary designation are based on complete early production silicon. Almost all the blocks in the device fabric are characterized. The probability of accurate power reporting is improved compared to Advance data.
Devices with the Production designation are released after enough production silicon of a particular device family member has been characterized to provide full power correlation over numerous production lots. Device models with this characterization data are not expected to evolve further.

The accuracy of any power estimation is derived from the information input to the models. Report Power uses the following models based on the device characterization:


These models are same as those used in PDM/Xilinx Power Estimator, however these models have more accurate inputs such as exact resource usage as well as actual trace lengths, so the accuracy of a high confidence report power estimate is 5% better than that of PDM/XPE.

Note: When the maximum process is used and the junction temperature (Tj) is accurate based on thermal simulation, the accuracy of the model only needs to be applied to the dynamic portion of the estimation.