Creating a Software Repository - 2024.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
A software repository is a directory where you can install third-party software components as well as custom copies of drivers, libraries, and operating systems. When you add a software repository, the AMD Vitis™ software platform automatically infers all the components contained within the repository and makes them available for use in its environment.

Your Vitis software platform workspace can point to multiple software repositories. The scope of the software repository can be global (available across all workspaces) or local (available only to the current workspace). Components found in any local software repositories added to a Vitis software platform workspace take precedence over identical components, if any, found in the global software repositories, which in turn take higher precedence over identical components found in the Vitis software platform installation.

A repository in the Vitis software platform requires a specific organization of the components. Software components in your repository must belong to one of the following directories:

  • drivers: Used to hold device drivers.
  • sw_services: Used to hold libraries.
  • bsp: Used to hold software platforms and board support packages.
  • sw_apps: Used to hold software standalone applications.
  • sw_apps_linux: Used to hold Linux applications.

Within each directory, sub-directories containing individual software components must be present. The following diagram shows the repository structure.

Figure 1. Repository Structure