Standalone and FreeRTOS Domain
The standalone and FreeRTOS domain overview pages are identical and provide a small number of configuration options related to the QEMU emulation platform. These options are auto populated with pre-defined installation file paths.
Figure 1. Standalone Domain Overview Page
Linux Domain
The Linux domain overview page is similar to the standalone page, but includes
more configuration options.
Note: For a fixed platform for
embedded application, the following fields do not apply.
Figure 2. Linux Domain Overview Page
- BIF File
- Boot Image Format file. Click Browse to select a bif file from the file system, or click the button beside Browse to generate the bif file for your platform.
- Pre-Built Image Directory
- Directory containing the Linux image files, including boot components, kernel image and rootfs.
- DTB File
- The system device tree binary file for Linux system booting. If the Pre-Built Image Directory contains the DTB file, it is automatically populated and displayed in this filed.
- FAT32 Partition Directory
- Used to add additional files to the FAT32 partition.
- Qemu Data
- Automatically populated when building the platform. This field provides the boot components for hardware emulation.