Libraries - 2024.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The following table lists the libraries necessary for the mb_gcc and arm-none-eabi-gcc compilers.

Table 1. Libraries Used by the Compilers
Library Particular
libxil.a Contains drivers, software services (such as XilMFS), and initialization files developed for the Vivado tools.
libc.a Standard C libraries, including functions such as strcmp and strlen.
libgcc.a GCC low-level library containing emulation routines for floating point and 64-bit arithmetic.
libm.a Math library containing functions such as cos and sine.
libsupc++.a C++ support library with routines for exception handling, RTTI, and others.
libstdc++.a C++ standard platform library. Contains standard language classes, such as those for stream I/O, file I/O, string manipulation, and others.

Libraries are linked in automatically by both compilers. If the standard libraries are overridden, the search path for these libraries must be given to the compiler. The libxil.a is modified to add driver and library routines.