The example application design
source files in the examples folder are tightly coupled with the
example design available in the Vivado IP catalog. Perform the following steps to generate the executable
application for the example design: - Open the AMD Vitis™
- Navigate to
to create a new application project. - Select a platform to create the project.
- Select the required XSA.
- Click Next.
- Enter the name in Application project name.
- Select Processor and click Next.
- Select Empty Application from
S/W development templates.
- Import the required files.
- Select Build
- For the elf file, navigate to Debug folder.
- Select the relevant application for memory or stream mode to build the application which generates the ELF file.
- Use the XSDB tools to download the bit stream and the ELF files on the ZCU106 board.
The example application might require
modifications based on the configuration made in the IP customization GUI.