This interrupt is triggered every time the Video PHY Controller /HDMI GT Subsystem is reconfigured and the output clock is stabilized and ready for the HDMI 1.4/2.0 TX Subsystem to transmit a video stream.
The callback function must perform the following:
- If an HDMI Retimer or equalizer is used in the system, configure the Retimer with the correct setting based on the required line rate.
- Enable the TX TMDS clock by calling the Video PHY Controller
/HDMI GT Subsystem API:
void XVphy_Clkout1OBufTdsEnable(XVphy *InstancePtr, XVphy_DirectionType Dir, u8 Enable);
- Set HDMI 1.4/2.0 TX Subsystem sampling rate
with the Video PHY Controller
/HDMI GT Subsystem TX sampling rate.
void XV_HdmiTxSs_SetSamplingRate(XV_HdmiTxSs *InstancePtr, u8 SamplingRate);