The following table shows the signals for AXI4-Stream audio streaming interfaces. The audio interface transports
24-bits L-PCM or 16-bits HBR audio samples in the IEC 60958 format. A maximum of 32
channels are supported.
The audio interface is a 32-bit AXI4-Stream
slave interface and runs at the s_axis_audio_aclk
clock rate.
Name | I/O | Width | Description |
s_axis_audio_aclk | I | 1 | Clock (The audio streaming clock must be greater than or equal or greater than 128 times the audio sample frequency) |
s_axis_audio_aresetn | I | 1 | Reset (Active-Low) |
AUDIO_IN_tdata | I | 32 | Data
AUDIO_IN_tid | I | 8 | Channel ID |
AUDIO_IN_tready | O | 1 | Ready |
AUDIO_IN_tvalid | I | 1 | Valid |
Note: The L-PCM (Packet Type 0x02 and 0x0B) allows you to pack up to 24 bits of audio
from the Audio Data Stream. The HBR (Packet Type 0x09) allows you to pack up to 16
bits of audio from the Audio Data Stream. The data is taken from MSB (bit 27:12).
Compressed Audio (IEC 61937) can also be sent the same as L-PCM data (IEC60958).
However, it is your responsibility to compress the audio data with your custom