Clock frequency constraints are
required for the s_axi_cpu_aclk
, s_axis_video_aclk
, s_axis_audio_aclk
, link_clk
, and video_clk
create_clock -name s_axi_cpu_aclk -period 10.0 [get_ports s_axi_cpu_aclk]
create_clock -name s_axis_audio_aclk -period 10.0 [get_ports s_axis_audio_aclk]
create_clock -name link_clk -period 13.468 [get_ports link_clk]
create_clock -name video_clk -period 6.734 [get_ports video_clk]
create_clock -name s_axis_video_aclk -period 5.0 [get_ports s_axis_video_aclk]
When using this subsystem in the
Vivado Design Suite flow with Video PHY Controller
GT Subsystem modules, link_clk
, and video_clk
are generated from the Video PHY Controller
Subsystem. Therefore, the clock constraints are set to the Video PHY Controller
GT Subsystem constraints instead of these generated clocks. See Clocking in the
Video PHY Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide
HDMI GT Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide
for more
The s_axi_cpu_aclk
, s_axis_video_aclk
, and
constraints are generated at
system level, for example by using a clock wizard.