xsim Executable Options - 2022.2 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English
Table 1. xsim Executable Command Options
xsim Option Description
-f [-file] <filename> Load the command line options from a file.
-g [-gui] Run with interactive workspace.
-h [-help] Print help message to screen.
-log <filename> Specify the log file name.
-maxdeltaid arg (=-1) Specify the maximum delta number. Report an error if it exceeds maximum simulation loops at the same time.
-maxlogsize arg (=-1) Set the maximum size a log file can reach in MB. The default setting is unlimited.
-ieeewarnings Enable warnings from VHDL IEEE functions.
-nolog Suppresses log file generation.


Disables the installation of OS-level signal handlers in the simulation. For performance reasons, the simulator does not check explicitly for certain conditions, such as an integer division by zero, that could generate an OS-level fatal run time error. Instead, the simulator installs signal handlers to catch those errors and generates a report.

With the signal handlers disabled, the simulator can run in the presence of such security software, but OS-level fatal errors could crash the simulation abruptly with little indication of the nature of the failure.

Use this option only if your security software prevents the simulator from running successfully.
-onfinish <quit|stop> Specify the behavior at end of simulation.
-onerror <quit|stop> Specify the behavior upon simulation run time error.
-R [-runall] Runs simulation till end (such as do 'run all;quit').
-stats Display memory and CPU stats upon exiting.
-testplusarg <arg> Specify plusargs to be used by $test$plusargs and $value$plusargs system functions.
-t [-tclbatch] <filename> Specify the Tcl file for batch mode execution.
-tp Enable printing to screen of hierarchical names of process being executed.
-tl Enable printing to screen of file name and line number of statements being executed.
-wdb <filename.wdb> Specify the waveform database output file.
-version Print the compiler version to screen.
-view <wavefile.wcfg> Open a wave configuration file. Use this switch together with -gui switch.
-protoinst Specify a .protoinst file for protocol analysis.
-sv_seed Seed for SystemVerilog constraint random.
-cov_db_dir Functional coverage database dump directory. The coverage data is present under <arg>/xsim.covdb/<cov_db_name> directory. Default is ./ or inherits the value set in xelab.
-cov_db_name Functional coverage database name. The coverage data will be present under <cov_db_dir>/xsim.covdb/<arg> directory. Default is snapshot name or inherits the value set in xelab.
-downgrade_error2info Downgrade the severity level of the HDL messages from Error to Info.
-downgrade_error2warning Downgrade the severity level of the HDL messages from Error to Warning.
-downgrade_fatal2info Downgrade the severity level of the HDL messages from Fatal to Info.
-downgrade_fatal2warning Downgrade the severity level of the HDL messages from Fatal to Warning.
-downgrade_severity Downgrade the severity level of the HDL messages. Following are the choices:
  • error2warning
  • error2info
  • fatal2warning
  • fatal2info
-ignore_assertions Ignore SystemVerilog concurrent assertions.
-ignore_coverage Ignore SystemVerilog functional coverage.

Ignore the effect of a specific HDL feature or construct. Following are the choices:

  • assertion
  • coverage
-tempDir Specify the temporary directory name.
-autoloadwcfg Load already saved waveform configuration file.
Tip: When running the xelab, xsc, xsim, xvhdl, xcrg, or xvlog commands in batch files or scripts, it might also be necessary to define the XILINX_VIVADO environment variable to point to the installation hierarchy of the Vivado Design Suite. To set the XILINX_VIVADO variable, add one of the following to your script or batch file:
  • On Windows: set XILINX_VIVADO=<vivado_install_area>/Vivado/<version>
  • On Linux: setenv XILINX_VIVADO vivado_install_area>/Vivado/<version>
  • Where <version> is the version of Vivado tools you are using: 2014.3, 2014.4, 2015.1, etc