In the Objects window, a protocol instance appears as an aggregate design
object that has the same name as the port name of the AXI interface seen in the block
design. Click the arrow expand button to view the inputs and outputs of protocol
analysis for the protocol instance as shown in the following figure for a protocol
instance named M_AXI_DP
- Protocol Instances Window
The protocol instances window contains the complete protocol instance list present in a given design. It has an absolute path to the protocol instance to ensure that an instance with same name can be differentiated based on the path.
Figure 2. Protocol Instances Window
- Protocol Instance Inputs
The protocol instance input signals shown with an orange icon are the aliases of the AXI signals from the HDL design. Hover over an input to see a tool tip giving full path of the alias as well as the full path of the actual (aliased) signal. From a protocol instance input you can also jump the Scope and Objects window to the actual signal. Perform the following steps to go to the actual signal of a protocol instance input:
- To view all signal types in the Objects window, click the gear icon and select the Check All check box.
- Right click the protocol instance input.
- Select Go To Actual.
- Protocol Instance Outputs
The protocol instance outputs are shown with a green O icon. These are special signals of the protocol instance that have no counterparts in the HDL design. The output signals produce events meaningful only to the wave viewer for displaying transactions.