platform config - 2022.1 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Configure the active platform


platform config [options]

Configure the properties of active platform.


Option Description
-desc <description> Add a Brief description about the platform.
-updatehw <hw-spec> Update the platform to use a new hardware specification file specified by <hw-spec>.
-samples <samples-dir> Make the application template specified in <samples-dir>, part of the platform. This option can only be used for acceleratable application. "repo -apps <platform-name>" can be used to list the application templates available for the given platform-name.
-prebuilt-data <directory-name> For expandable platforms, pre-generated hardware data specified in directory-name will be used for building user applications that do not contain accelerators. This will reduce the build time.
-make-local Make the referenced SW components local to the platform.
-fsbl-target <processor-type> Processor-type for which the existing fsbl has to be re-generated. This option is valid only for ZU+.
-create-boot-bsp Generate boot components for the platform.
-remove-boot-bsp Remove all the boot components generated during platform creation.
-fsbl-elf <fsbl.elf> Prebuilt fsbl.elf to be used as boot component when "remove-boot-bsp" option is specified.
-pmufw-elf <pmufw.elf> Prebuilt pmufw.elf to be used as boot component when "remove-boot-bsp" option is specified.
-extra-compiler-flags <param> <value> Set extra compiler flag for the parameter with provided value. Only fsbl and pmufw are the supported parameters. If value is not paseed existing value will return.
-extra-linker-flags <param> <value> Set extra linker flag for the parameter with provided value. Only fsbl and pmufw are the supported parameters. If value is not paseed existing value will return.
-reset-user-defined-flags <param> Resets the extra compiler and linker flags. Only fsbl and pmufw are the supported parameters.
-report <param> Return the list of extra compiler and linker flags set to the given parameter. Only fsbl and pmufw are the supported parameters.


Empty string, if the platform is configured successfully. Error string, if no platform is active or if the platform cannot be configured.


platform active zc702
platform config -desc "ZC702 with memory test application"
-samples /home/user/newDir 

Make zc702 the active platform, configure the description of the platform and make samples in /home/user/newDir part of the platform.

platform config -updatehw /home/user/newdesign.xsa

Updates the platform project with the new xsa.

platform config -fsbl-target psu_cortexr5_0

Changes the fsbl target to psu_cortexr5_0.

platform config -extra-compiler-flags fsbl

Get the extra compiler flags. These are the flags added extra to the flags derived from libraries, processor and OS.

platform config -extra-compiler-flags fsbl "-DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO [platform config-extra-compiler-flags fsbl]" 

Prepend -DFSBL_DEBUG_INFO to the compiler options, while building the fsbl application.

platform config -report fsbl

Return table of extra compiler and extra linker flags that are set for fsbl.

platform config -create-boot-bsp

Create the boot components for the platform.

platform config -create-boot-bsp -arch 32-bit 

Create the boot components for the platform, creating fsbl in 32-bit. This is valid only for zynqmp based platforms.

platform config -remove-boot-bsp 

Remove all the boot components generated during platform creation.