Switching Between XSCT and Vitis Integrated Design Environment - 2022.1 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Below is an example XSCT session that demonstrates creating and building an application using XSCT. After execution, launch the Vitis development environment and select the workspace created using XSCT to view the updates.

Note: The workspace created in XSCT can be used from Vitis IDE. However, at a time, only one instance of the tool can use the workspace.
# Set Vitis workspace
setws /tmp/workspace
# Create application project
app create -name hello -hw /tmp/wrk/system.xsa -proc ps7_cortexa9_0 -os standalone -lang C -template {Hello World}
app build -name hello