app switch - 2022.1 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Switch the application to use another domain/platform


app switch -name <app-name> -platform <platform-name> -domain <domain-name>

Switch the application to use another platform and domain. If the domain name is not specified, application will be moved to the first domain which is created for the same processor as current domain. This option is supported if there is only one application under this platform.

app switch -name <app-name> -domain <domain-name>

Switch the application to use another domain within the same platform. New domain should be created for the same processor as current domain.


Option Description
-name <application-name> Name of the application to be switched.
-platform <platform-name> Name of the new Platform. Use "platform -list" to list the available platforms.
-domain <domain-name> Name of the new domain. Use "domain -list" to list avaliable domain in the active platform.


Nothing if application is switched successfully, or error string, if given platform project does not exist or given platform project does not have valid domain.


app switch -name helloworld -platform zcu102

Switch the helloworld application to use zcu102 platform.