Embedded Platforms
Pre-built embedded base platforms are installed with the Vitis installer. The following platforms are included:
- xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1
- xilinx_zcu102_base_202210_1
- xilinx_vck190_base_dfx_202210_1
- xilinx_zcu102_base_dfx_202210_1
- xilinx_vmk180_base_202210_1
- xilinx_zcu104_base_202210_1
The ZC706 base platform, xilinx_zc706_base_202210_1, can be downloaded from the Embedded Platforms download page.
Common software images can also be downloaded from Embedded Platforms download page.
They provide pre-built Linux kernel, rootfs
, and boot components.
Note: This release, 2022.1, is the last release in
which Vitis acceleration supports the
Zynq®-7000 family. The ZC706 base platform
will be discontinued from 2022.2.