Command Line Options - 2022.1 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

There are a number of options to change the default behavior:

Table 1. Command Line Options
Option Description
-address-filter-file <path> Specify address filter file
-annotate Annotate source output with details of commands
-device <type> Specify device name, default is s80
-help Print help information
-output-binary-be Output CDO commands in big endian binary format
-output-binary-le Output CDO commands in little endian binary format
-output-file <path> Specify output file, default is stdout
-output-modules Output list of modules used by input file(s)
-output-raw-be Output CDO commands in big endian raw format
-output-raw-le Output CDO commands in little endian raw format
-output-source Output CDO commands in source format (default)
-remove-comments Remove comments from input
-rewrite-block Rewrite block write commands to multiple write commands
-rewrite-sequential Rewrite sequential write commands to a single block write command
-verbose Print log information
Note: -output-raw-be is preferred as the Vivado Design Suite produces CDOs in big endian raw format. -output-raw-le, -output-binary-be, and -output-binary-le are not preferred options.