#Create a software design for the template application with default compiler flags and memory section settings
set sw_system_1 [hsi::create_sw_design system_1 -proc microblaze_1 -os
xilkernel -app hello_world]
#Change compiler and its flags of the software design
common::set_property APP_COMPILER "mb-gcc" $sw_system_1
common::set_property -name APP_COMPILER_FLAGS -value "-DRSA_SUPPORT -
-objects $sw_system_1
common::set_property -name APP_LINKER_FLAGS -value "-Wl,--start-group,-
-objects $sw_system_1
#Change memory sections
common::set_property CODE_MEMORY axi_bram_ctrl_1 $sw_system_1
common::set_property BSS_MEMORY axi_bram_ctrl_1 $sw_system_1
common::set_property DATA_MEMORY axi_bram_ctrl_2 $sw_system_1
#Genereate application for the above customized software design to Zynq_Fsbl directory
hsi::generate_app -dir hw_output -compile