# Opening the hardware design
hsi::open_hw_design base_zynq_design_wrapper.xsa
# List loaded hardware designs
# Switch to current hardware design
# Report properties of the current hardware design
common::report_property [hsi::current_hw_design]
Property | Type | Read Only | Visible | Value |
ADDRESS_TAG | string* | true | true |
BOARD | string | true | true | xilinx.com:zc702:part0:1.1 |
CLASS | string | true | true | hw_design |
DEVICE | string | true | true | 7x020 |
FAMILY | string | true | true | zynq |
NAME | string | true | true | base_zynq_design_imp |
PACKAGE | string | true | true | clg484 |
PATH | string | true | true | /scratch/demo//base_zynq_design.hwh |
SPEEDGRADE | string | true | true | 1 |
SW_REPOSITORIES | string* | true | true | |
TIMESTAMP | string | true | true | <current date and time> |
VIVADO_VERSION | string | true | true | 2014.3 |
# List the .xsa files in the container
base_zynq_design.hwh ps7_init.c ps7_init.h ps7_init_gpl.c
ps7_init_gpl.h ps7_init.tcl ps7_init.html
base_zynq_design_wrapper.mmi base_zynq_design_bd.tcl
# Filter the .bit files
hsi::get_hw_files -filter {TYPE==bit}
# List of external ports in the design
DDR_cas_n DDR_cke DDR_ck_n DDR_ck_p DDR_cs_n DDR_reset_n
DDR_odt DDR_ras_n
DDR_we_n DDR_ba DDR_addr DDR_dm DDR_dq DDR_dqs_n DDR_dqs_p
FIXED_IO_ddr_vrn FIXED_IO_ddr_vrp FIXED_IO_ps_srstb
FIXED_IO_ps_porb leds_4bits_tri_o
# Reports properties of an external port
common::report_property [hsi::get_ports leds_4bits_tri_o]
Property | Type | Readonly | Visible | Value |
CLASS | string | true | true | port |
CLK_FREQ | string | true | true | |
DIRECTION | string | true | true | 0 |
INTERFACE | bool | true | true | 0 |
IS_CONNECTED | bool | true | true | 0 |
LEFT | string | true | true | 3 |
NAME | string | true | true | leds_4bits_tri_o |
RIGHT | string | true | true | 0 |
SENSITIVITY | enum | true | true | |
TYPE | enum | true | true | undef |
# List of IP instances in the
axi_bram_ctrl_0 axi_gpio_0 blk_mem_gen_0
rst_processing_system7_0_50M ps7_clockc_0 ps7_uart_1
ps7_pl310_0 ps7_pmu_0 ps7_qspi_0
ps7_qspi_linear_0 ps7_axi_interconnect_0 ps7_cortexa9_0
ps7_cortexa9_1 ps7_ddr_0
ps7_ethernet_0 ps7_usb_0 ps7_sd_0 ps7_i2c_0 ps7_can_0
ps7_ttc_0 ps7_gpio_0
ps7_ddrc_0 ps7_dev_cfg_0 ps7_xadc_0 ps7_ocmc_0
ps7_coresight_comp_0 ps7_gpv_0 ps7_scuc_0
ps7_globaltimer_0 ps7_intc_dist_0 ps7_l2cachec_0 ps7_dma_s
ps7_iop_bus_config_0 ps7_ram_0
ps7_ram_1 ps7_scugic_0 ps7_scutimer_0 ps7_scuwdt_0
ps7_slcr_0 ps7_dma_ns ps7_afi_0 ps7_afi_1
ps7_afi_2 ps7_afi_3 ps7_m_axi_gp0
#List of processors in the
hsi::get_cells -filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR}
ps7_cortexa9_0 ps7_cortexa9_1
# Properties of IP
common::report_property [hsi::get_cells axi_gpio_0]
Property | Type | Readonly | Visible | Value |
CLASS | string | true | true | cell |
CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS | string | true | true | 0 |
CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS_2 | string | true | true | 0 |
CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS | string | true | true | 1 |
CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS_2 | string | true | true | 0 |
CONFIG.C_BASEADDR | string | true | true | 0x41200000 |
CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT | string | true | true | 0x00000000 |
CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT_2 | string | true | true | 0x00000000 |
CONFIG.C_FAMILY | string | true | true | zynq |
CONFIG.C_GPIO2_WIDTH | string | true | true | 32 |
CONFIG.C_GPIO_WIDTH | string | true | true | 4 |
CONFIG.C_HIGHADDR | string | true | true | 0x4120FFFF |
CONFIG.C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT | string | true | true | 0 |
CONFIG.C_IS_DUAL | string | true | true | 0 |
CONFIG.C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH | string | true | true | 9 |
CONFIG.C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH | string | true | true | 32 |
CONFIG.C_TRI_DEFAULT | string | true | true | 0xFFFFFFFF |
CONFIG.C_TRI_DEFAULT_2 | string | true | true | 0xFFFFFFFF |
CONFIG.Component_Name | string | true | true | base_zynq_design_axi_gpio_0_0 |
CONFIG.EDK_IPTYPE | string | true | true | PERIPHERAL |
CONFIG.GPIO2_BOARD_INTERFACE | string | true | true | Custom |
CONFIG.GPIO_BOARD_INTERFACE | string | true | true | leds_4bits |
CONFIG.USE_BOARD_FLOW | string | true | true | true |
CONFIGURABLE | bool | true | true | 0 |
IP_NAME | string | true | true | axi_gpio |
IP_TYPE | enum | true | true | PERIPHERAL |
NAME | string* | true | true | axi_gpio_0 |
PRODUCT_GUIDE | string | true | true | AXI GPIO LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG144) |
SLAVES | string | true | true | |
VLNV | string | true | true | xilinx.com:ip:axi_gpio:2.0 |
# Memory range of the Slave
common::report_property [lindex [hsi::get_mem_ranges -of_objects
[hsi::get_cells -filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR}]] 39]
Property | Type | Read-only | Visible | Value |
BASE_NAME | string | true | true | C_BASEADDR |
BASE_VALUE | string | true | true | 0x41200000 |
CLASS | string | true | true | mem_range |
HIGH_NAME | string | true | true | C_HIGHADDR |
HIGH_VALUE | string | true | true | 0x4120FFFF |
INSTANCE | cell | true | true | axi_gpio_0 |
IS_DATA | bool | true | true | 1 |
IS_INSTRUCTION | bool | true | true | 0 |
MEM_TYPE | enum | true | true | REGISTER |
NAME | string | true | true | axi_gpio_0 |