zSFP/zSFP+ Module Connector - UG1411

VMK180 Evaluation Board User Guide (UG1411)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

[Figure 1, callout 13]

The VMK180 board hosts dual-port zSFP/zSFP+ J287, which accepts zSFP or zSFP+ modules. The following figure shows the zSFP/zSFP+ module connector circuitry typical of the two implementations.

Figure 1. zSFP/zSFP+ Module Connector

The following table lists the zSFP+ module control and status connections.

Table 1. zSFP0- zSFP1 Module Control and Status Connections
zSFP Control/Status Signal Board Connection zSFP Module
SFP0_TX_FAULT Test point J276 High = Fault zSFP0 J287 lower
Low = Normal operation
SFP0_TX_DISABLE Jumper J35 Off = SFP disabled
On = SFP enabled
SFP0_MOD_DETECT Test point J31 High = Module not present
Low = Module present
SFP0_RS0 1 PU R1420/PD R1426 PU R25 = Full RX bandwidth
PD R30 = Reduced RX bandwidth
SFP0_RS1 1 PU R1421/PD R1427 PU R227 = Full RX bandwidth
PD R142 = Reduced RX bandwidth
SFP0_LOS Test point J33 High = Loss of receiver signal
Low = Normal operation
SFP1_TX_FAULT Test point J30 High = Fault zSFP1 J287 upper
Low = Normal operation
SFP1_TX_DISABLE Jumper J32 Off = SFP disabled
On = SFP enabled
SFP1_MOD_DETECT Test point J277 High = Module not present
Low = Module present
SFP1_RS0 1 PU R1428/PD R1431 PU R182 = Full RX bandwidth
PD R190 = Reduced RX bandwidth
SFP1_RS1 1 PU R1429/PD R1432 PU R185 = Full RX bandwidth
PD R202 = Reduced RX bandwidth
SFP1_LOS Test point J278 High = Loss of receiver signal
Low = Normal operation
  1. The RS0/RS1 PU/PD resistors are not populated. There are pull-down resistors built into the SFP/zSFP modules that select the lower bandwidth mode of the module.

For additional information about the enhanced SFP+ module, see the SFF-8431 specification at the SNIA website.

The zSFP connector I2C interfaces are connected to the I2C bus via the TCA9548 I2C multiplexer U214 (see PMC MIO[46:47] I2C0 Bus and PMC MIO[44:45] I2C1 Bus for more details).

The detailed Versal adaptive SoC connections for the feature described in this section are documented in the VMK180 board XDC file, referenced in Xilinx Design Constraints.