JTAG - UG1411

VMK180 Evaluation Board User Guide (UG1411)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

The AMD Vivado™ , AMD SDK, or third-party tools can establish a JTAG connection to the Versal device in the two ways described here:

  • FTDI FT4232 USB-to-JTAG/USB-UART device (U20) connected to USB 3.1 type-C connector (J207), which requires:
    • Set boot mode SW1 for JTAG as indicated in the "Mode Switch SW1 Configuration Option Settings" table in Versal Device Configuration.
    • On the 3-pin JTAG MUX, enable header J37 (2-pin jumper block installed on pins 2-3) to enable the JTAG MUX.
    • Set 2-pole DIP SW3[1:2] set to 10 (OFF, ON) for JTAG MUX channel 2 FT4232 U20 bridge.
    • Power-cycle the VMK180 board or press the power-on reset (POR) pushbutton (SW2) (SW2 is callout 46 in the "Evaluation Board Component Locations" figure in Board Component Location).
  • JTAG pod flat cable connector J36 (2 mm 2x7 shrouded/keyed), which requires:
    Note: In this mode, the FT4232 device (U20) UART functionality continues to be available.
    • Set boot mode SW1 for JTAG as indicated in the "Mode Switch SW1 Configuration Option Settings" table in Versal Device Configuration.
    • On the 3-pin JTAG MUX, enable header J37 (2-pin jumper block installed on pins 1-2) to inhibit the JTAG MUX (hi-Z mode).
    • 2-pole DIP SW3[1:2] setting does not matter as the MUX is inhibited/turned off.
    • Power-cycle the VMK180 board or press the power-on reset pushbutton (SW2) (SW2 is callout 46 in the "Evaluation Board Component Locations" figure in Board Component Location).