The following table lists the RAMB18E5 and RAMB36E5 attributes. All attribute code examples are discussed in Block RAM Initialization in VHDL or Verilog Code. Further information on using these attributes is available in Additional RAMB18E5 and RAMB36E5 Primitive Design Considerations.
Attributes | Values | Default | Type | Description |
CASCADE_ORDER_A | FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST, NONE | NONE | String | Specifies the order of the cascaded block RAMs from the bottom to the top of the chain for port A. |
CASCADE_ORDER_B | FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST, NONE | NONE | String | Specifies the order of the cascaded block RAMs from the bottom to the top of the chain for port B. |
CLOCK_DOMAINS | INDEPENDENT, COMMON | INDEPENDENT | String | Either independent clocks connected to port A and B or a single, common clock connected to port A and B. |
DOA_REG | 0, 1 | 1 | Decimal | A value of 1 enables the optional output registers of the RAM port A. Applies to all port A outputs in both TDP and SDP memory usage. |
DOB_REG | 0, 1 | 1 | Decimal | A value of 1 enables the optional output registers of the RAM port B. Applies to all port B outputs in both TDP and SDP memory usage. |
RAMB18E5: INIT_00 to INIT_3F RAMB36E5: INIT_00 to INIT_7F |
A 256-bit hex value | All 0 | Hex | Initializes the data content of the block RAM. |
RAMB18E5: INITP_00 to INITP_07 RAMB36E5: INITP_00 to INITP_0F |
A 256-bit hex value | All 0 | Hex | Initializes the parity content of the block RAM. |
READ_WIDTH_A | RAMB18E5: 0, 9, 18, 36 (SDP usage) RAMB36E5: 0, 9, 18, 36, 72 (SDP usage) |
RAMB18E5: 0 RAMB36E5: 0 |
Decimal | Specifies the data width for read port A, including parity bits. In SDP mode, this is the read width including parity bits. |
READ_WIDTH_B | RAMB18E5: 0, 9, 18 RAMB36E5: 0, 9, 18, 36 |
RAMB18E5: 0 RAMB36E5: 0 |
Decimal | Specifies the data width for read port B including parity bits. Not used for SDP memory usage. |
RSTREG_PRIORITY_A | RSTREG, REGCE | RSTREG | String | Selects the priority of RESET or CE for the optional output registers. Applies to all port A outputs in both TDP and SDP memory usage. |
RSTREG_PRIORITY_B | RSTREG, REGCE | RSTREG | String | Selects the priority of RESET or CE for the optional output registers. Applies to all port B outputs in both TDP and SDP memory usage. |
RST_MODE_A | SYNC, ASYNC | SYNC | String | Determines whether RST_A is synchronous or asynchronous input. |
RST_MODE_B | SYNC, ASYNC | SYNC | String | Determines whether RST_B is synchronous or asynchronous input. |
SLEEP_ASYNC | FALSE, TRUE | FALSE | String | Determines if the SLEEP pin is synchronous or asynchronous to the clock. |
SRVAL_A | RAMB18E5: 18-bit hex value RAMB36E5: 36-bit hex value |
RAMB18E5: 18'h00000000
Hex | Specifies the initialization value of the output latches or register when the synchronous reset (RSTREG) is asserted. Applies to all port A outputs in both TDP and SDP memory usage. |
SRVAL_B | RAMB18E5: 18-bit hex value RAMB36E5: 36-bit hex value |
RAMB18E5: 18'h00000000
Hex | Specifies the initialization value of the output latches or register when the synchronous reset (RSTREG) is asserted. Applies to all port B outputs in both TDP and SDP memory usage. |
WRITE_MODE_A (1) | WRITE_FIRST, NO_CHANGE, READ_FIRST | NO_CHANGE | String | Specifies output behavior of write port A. See Write Modes. |
WRITE_MODE_B (1) | WRITE_FIRST, NO_CHANGE, READ_FIRST | NO_CHANGE | String | Specifies output behavior of write port B. See Write Modes. |
WRITE_WIDTH_A | RAMB18E5: 0, 9, 18 RAMB36E5: 0, 9, 18, 36 |
RAMB18E5: 0 RAMB36E5: 0 |
Decimal | Specifies the data width for write port A, including parity bits. When used as SDP memory, this attribute is not valid. |
WRITE_WIDTH_B | RAMB18E5: 0, 9, 18, 36 (SDP usage) RAMB36E5: 0, 9, 18, 36, 72 (SDP usage) |
RAMB18E5: 0 RAMB36E5: 0 |
Decimal | Specifies the data width for write Port B, including parity bits. In SDP mode, this is the write width including parity bits. |