Tcl Commands - 2023.1 English - UG947

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Like with most everything within the AMD Vivado™ IDE, the features and tasks for Dynamic Function eXchange you see are driven behind the scenes by Tcl commands. One of the key goals for DFX project support is to be able to work seamlessly between GUI and script and command line on the same project. You can examine the specific Tcl commands called by examining the AMD Vivado™ journal file for this project. This can be seen by selecting File > Open Journal File. These Tcl commands are not documented in this user guide at this point. Also supported is the ability to export project scripts using the Write Project Tcl option. Additional information for each command can be found using the –help option of each command.