In this section, you will enable the DFX capabilities within IP integrator and add new Reconfigurable Modules in the rp1 block design container.
Follow the instructions or source enable_dfx_bdc.tcl to automate the steps.
Note: This action is irreversible. Once a project is
converted to a DFX project, it cannot be changed back. The design runs
infrastructure and all the DFX-centric settings are expected from this point
forward, and DRCs are enabled to keep users on the correct path. It is recommended
that designs be archived before this conversion to save a non-DFX
- Select AMD Vivado™
IDE. Select the Convert option in the dialog box that opens.Once this step has been run, you will see new menu items appear, most notably the Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard in the Flow Navigator and under the Tools menu.Note: If the project is not explicitly converted by the user, it will be automatically done when the block design is generated later in the flow, based on the DFX setting on the block design container. Even if the conversion is automatic, it is still irreversible.
to expose DFX features within the
- In the design_1 diagram, double click on the rp1 instance to edit the block design container.
- Under the General
tab, check both the Enable Dynamic Function eXchange on
this container and the Freeze the
boundary of this container options.
Checking the Enable Dynamic Function eXchange on this container option defines the rp1 instance to be a Reconfigurable Partition (RP). Freezing the boundary of this container prevents parameter propagation across the boundary interface.
- Click the Addressing tab to see the aperture for this block design
container. The Address Offset is
0x201_8000_0000 and the Address Range is 64K,
matching the information supplied in rp1rm1. Check the Show Detailed View to see that the aperture for rp1rm1 matches the
general aperture for rp1 overall. No changes are necessary at this point; this tab
will be revisited later.
- Click OK to save the changes and
return to the design_1 diagram.
You will see that the icon on the rp1 block design container has changed to show a “DFX” label.
- Click Validate Design then Save to save the design.