Step 7: Running the PR Configuration Analysis Report - 2023.1 English - UG947

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The PR Configuration Analysis tool compares each Reconfigurable Module that you select to give you input on your DFX design. It examines resource usage, floorplanning, clocking, and timing metrics to help you manage the overall DFX design. The PR Configuration Analysis tool is run through the Tcl Console.

  1. In the Tcl Console, cd into the project directory. Next, enter this command to run a report on the two RMs available in this design:
    report_pr_configuration_analysis -cells my_math -dcps
     {./project_1.runs/add_synth_1/math_rp.dcp ./project_1.runs/mult_synth_1/math_rp.dcp}
    Note: If your project is not named “project_1” you’ll need to adjust this in the Tcl command.

    This runs the analysis with the default settings, gathering data for the first three focus areas listed below. Use the -help option to see that you can focus on three specific areas.

    • The -complexity switch focuses the report on resource usage, including the maximum resources required for the RP.
    • The -clocking switch focuses the report on clock usage and loads for each RM.
    • The -timing switch focuses the report on boundary interface timing details.
    • The -rent switch adds rent metrics to the report, but can take a long time to run.
    • The -file switch redirects the report to a file.

      Examining the report in the Tcl Console, you will see a Complexity summary in section 2. It shows the current RM (the multiplier), RMs 1 and 2 (the adder and multiplier, respectively), and a column for the maximum. This table examines the resource utilization of each module to find the maximum of each so you can construct Pblocks appropriately.

      Note that the resource counts of RM1 and RM2 appear to be low. Above the report in the log you will see a few critical warnings:
      CRITICAL WARNING: [Project 1-486] Could not resolve non-primitive black box cell 'math_rp_c_addsub_0' instantiated as

      The post-synthesis checkpoints do not include the submodule IP as those were generated out-of-context. In order to see the complete picture of each RM, these lower-level checkpoints must be linked in, or the IP must be synthesized set to Global.

  2. In the Partition Definitions tab, expand the hierarchy if necessary to be able to right-click on the my_mult_ila IP and select Generate Output Products.
  3. Change the Synthesis Options value to Global, then click Apply and then Cancel.
  4. Repeat this process for both IP under the adder module, my_add_ila and adder_ip. The latter has two instances but this process only needs to happen once, as the IP instances are identical.
  5. Synthesis for these modules are now out of date. Select Run Synthesis in the Flow Navigator. Accept all the dialogs that ask about resetting and resynthesizing all runs.
  6. When synthesis completes, rerun the report_pr_configuration_analysis command from step 1 and examine the log and results.