- Select the impl_1 design run.
- In the Options tab of the Run Properties window, change the Strategy to
A pop-up dialog will alert you to the fact that impl_1 will be forced out of date if you proceed.
- Click Yes.
Multiple runs are now marked out-of-date: impl_1 and both child runs that depend on it. The resulting files still exist in their respective folders, but will be deleted as soon as the parent run is launched. The impl_greybox design run, on the other hand, remains completed as it does not depend on impl_1 as a parent.
Note: The Strategy option for each of the child runs remains at Vivado Implementation Defaults; child runs do not inherit options from the parent run. However, any strategy or option in child runs will only have an effect on the Reconfigurable Module implementation, as the static design is already routed and locked.
- In the Flow Navigator click Run Implementation.
A dialog will appear to confirm if you want to reset runs before continuing. Because the stale step is the first step in the parent run, the first options completely reset both parent and all child runs to the beginning of implementation. Click either Reset and Re-run or Run from Step: phys_opt_design to continue.
This implements all three runs. First, the parent impl_1 run will complete, then the two child runs will run in parallel.
The Vivado IDE tracks dependencies
between design runs. This is a critical feature for Dynamic Function eXchange given the
interdependencies of configurations. If any aspect of the parent configuration or
implementation results are modified, it and all children must be recompiled.