Manage Reconfiguration via Software - 2023.1 English - UG947

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English
  1. Open a UART terminal to communicate with the software running in MicroBlaze.
    1. Set the COM port to an appropriate value for your computer
    2. Set the Baud Rate to 115200.
    3. Press the PROG button on the board to restart the design with the UART terminal open.
      Note: If you need a USB to UART driver for your terminal, see the Silicon Labs CP210x USB-to-UART Installation Guide (UG1033).

    All the partial bitstreams are copied from the QSPI flash over to the DDR4 memory. Then the software menu appears:

    The menu options allow you to:

    These are the four trigger options to load partial bitstreams to the ICAP via the DFX Controller. These mimic the pushbuttons on the board.
    These toggle the DFX Controller status between active and shutdown mode for both RPs. When the RPs are in shutdown mode, triggers (software or hardware) are ignored.
    This toggles the partial bitstreams used between standard partials and those instrumented with per-frame CRC checks.
    This toggles the partial bitstream source between QSPI and DDR4 memory storage.
    Reports the current status of each Virtual Socket.

    As you walk through these different features, the software provides feedback. Reconfiguration time is reported each time reconfiguration is executed from within the software.