Step 11: Export the Hardware Platform for Each Configuration - 2023.1 English - UG947

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The final step in the hardware flow is to export the platform for PetaLinux. This fixed Xilinx® Support Archive (XSA) platform will contain the full device bitstream as well as hardware handoff and other files needed to build a PetaLinux system in . In this release of AMD Vivado™ , these .xsa files do not include partial bitstreams; this enhancement will come in a future version of Vivado.

  1. Open the impl_1 design run by right-clicking on that run and selecting Open Run.
  2. Select File > Export > Export Hardware.
  3. Select the Include device image option and click Next.
  4. Add “_impl_1” to the XSA file name, then change the Export to the directory to the xsa/parent_xsa folder beside the current project directory. Click Next, then Finish to write the XSA.

  5. Open the child_0_impl_1 design run by right-clicking on that run and selecting Open Run.
  6. Repeat steps 1-4 but change the XSA file name to design_1_wrapper_child_0_impl_1, and change the Export to field to the xsa/child_xsa folder.

At this point, the Vivado IP integrator for DFX tutorial is complete.