Load partial bitstreams for UltraScale devices - 2023.1 English - UG947

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

If you are targeting the VCU108 or KCU105, follow these instructions. First, reconfigure the “upper” shifter location.

  1. Select Program device on the green banner (or right-click on the target device and select Program device). Navigate to the Bitstreams/inst_shift folder to select shift_right_upper_partial_clear.bit, then click Program to program the device. The upper shift portion of the LEDs stopped, but the lower shift portion kept shifting, unaffected by the reconfiguration. Note the much shorter configuration time, as well as the fact that the DONE LED has turned off.
  2. Select Program device on the green banner again. Navigate to the Bitstreams/inst_shift folder to select shift_left_upper_partial.bit, then click Program to program the device. The upper shift portion is now shifting left, while the lower portion is still shifting right. DONE has also returned high (on).

    In order to transition to counter functions, the first-order reconfig_counters RM must first be loaded. Loading any second-order count_up or count_down partial bitstreams at this point would not function properly, as these functions would not connect to the top-level static design.

    Important: Moreover, for UltraScale devices, clearing bitstreams must be applied, from the bottom up, before a new first-order partial bitstream can be delivered. Each clearing bitstream must match the currently loaded function at that level of hierarchy. The order in which the second-order clearing bitstreams does not matter, but they must precede the first-order clearing bitstream.
  3. Select Program device on the green banner and program the device using these clearing bitstreams, one at a time.
    • inst_shift/shift_left_upper_partial_clear.bit
    • inst_shift/shift_right_lower_partial_clear.bit
    • inst_RP/inst_RP_shift_right_right_recombined_partial_clear.bit

    Following these actions, all LED activity has stopped, as the functionality of the shifters and the connectivity to the top static have been removed from the active design.

  4. Select Program device on the green banner again. Navigate to the Bitstreams/inst_RP folder to select inst_RP_count_up_up_recombined_partial.bit, then click Program to program the device. The two sections of LEDs are now counting up.

    Now that the reconfig_counters first-order function is established, Reconfigurable Partitions below that hierarchy can be partially reconfigured.

  5. Select Program device on the green banner. Navigate to the Bitstreams/inst_count folder to select count_up_lower_partial_clear.bit then click Program to program the device. This stops the counter that is driving the count function in the lower set of LEDs.
  6. Select Program device on the green banner one last time. Navigate to the Bitstreams folder to select count_down_lower_partial.bit, then click OK to program the device. The upper shift portion is still counting up, while the lower portion is now counting down.

    This concludes the lab instructions for UltraScale devices.