Static Design Updates - 2023.1 English

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Just as with a standard DFX design flow, implementation results are created in-context from the top down. If any part of the design that is considered static at any point must be updated, all results for Reconfigurable Modules below that static must be reimplemented to ensure everything stays in sync.

For example, if there is a design change for the top-level static, all existing results must be considered out-of-date and everything must be recompiled. If there is an update to one of the first-order RMs (reconfig_shifters or reconfig_counters), all results dependent on the modified module must be recompiled. Any of these individual scripts can be called on their own to update the results as needed.