AXI Protocol Checks and Descriptions - 1.1 English - PG267

AXI Verification IP LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG267)

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1.1 English

The following table lists the AXI protocol checks and descriptions that are essentially the same as the assertions found in the AXI Protocol Checker LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG101).

Table 1. AXI Protocol Checks and Descriptions
Name of Protocol Check Protocol Support Description
AXI_ERRM_AWADDR_BOUNDARY AXI4/AXI3 A write burst cannot cross a 4 KB boundary.
AXI_ERRM_AWADDR_WRAP_ALIGN AXI4/AXI3 A write transaction with burst type WRAP has an aligned address.
AXI_ERRM_AWBURST AXI4/AXI3 A value of 2’b11 on AWBURST is not permitted when AWVALID is High.
AXI_ERRM_AWLEN_LOCK AXI4/AXI3 Exclusive access transactions cannot have a length greater than 16 beats.
AXI_ERRM_AWCACHE AXI4/AXI3 If not cacheable (AWCACHE[1] == 1'b0), AWCACHE = 2'b00.
AXI_ERRM_AWLEN_FIXED AXI4/AXI3 Transactions of burst type FIXED cannot have a length greater than 16 beats.
AXI_ERRM_AWLEN_WRAP AXI4/AXI3 A write transaction with burst type WRAP has a length of 2, 4, 8, or 16.
AXI_ERRM_AWSIZE AXI4/AXI3 The size of a write transfer does not exceed the width of the data interface.
AXI_ERRM_AWVALID_RESET AXI4/AXI3/Lite AWVALID is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.
AXI_ERRM_AWADDR_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Handshake Checks AWADDR must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWBURST_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWBURST must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWCACHE_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWCACHE must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWID must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWLEN_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWLEN must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWLOCK_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWLOCK must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWPROT_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Handshake Checks AWPROT must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWSIZE_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWSIZE must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWQOS_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks AWQOS must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWREGION_STABLE AXI4 Handshake Checks AWREGION must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_AWVALID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Handshake Checks Once AWVALID is asserted, it must remain asserted until AWREADY is High.
AXI_RECS_AWREADY_MAX_WAIT AXI4/AXI3/Lite Recommended that AWREADY is asserted within MAXWAITS cycles of AWVALID being asserted.
The number of write data items matches AWLEN for the corresponding address. This is triggered when any of the following occurs:
  • Write data arrives and WLAST is set, and the WDATA count is not equal to AWLEN
  • Write data arrives and WLAST is not set, and the WDATA count is equal to AWLEN
  • ADDR arrives, WLAST is already received, and the WDATA count is not equal to AWLEN
AXI_ERRM_WSTRB AXI4/AXI3/Lite Write strobes must only be asserted for the correct byte lanes as determined from the: Start Address, Transfer Size, and Beat Number.
AXI_ERRM_WVALID_RESET AXI4/AXI3/Lite WVALID is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.
AXI_ERRM_WDATA_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Handshake Checks WDATA must remain stable when WVALID is asserted and WREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_WLAST_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks WLAST must remain stable when WVALID is asserted and WREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_WSTRB_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Handshake Checks WSTRB must remain stable when WVALID is asserted and WREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_WVALID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Handshake Checks Once WVALID is asserted, it must remain asserted until WREADY is High.
AXI_RECS_WREADY_MAX_WAIT AXI4/AXI3/Lite Recommended that WREADY is asserted within MAXWAITS cycles of WVALID being asserted.
AXI_ERRS_BRESP_WLAST AXI4/AXI3 A slave must not take BVALID High until after the last write data is handshake is complete.
AXI_ERRS_BRESP_EXOKAY AXI4/AXI3 An EXOKAY write response can only be given to an exclusive write access.
AXI_ERRS_BVALID_RESET AXI4/AXI3/Lite BVALID is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.
AXI_ERRS_BRESP_AW AXI4/AXI3/Lite A slave must not take BVALID High until after the write address is handshake is complete.
AXI_ERRS_BID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 Handshake Checks BID must remain stable when BVALID is asserted and BREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_BRESP_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Checks BRESP must remain stable when BVALID is asserted and BREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_BVALID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Once BVALID is asserted, it must remain asserted until BREADY is High.
AXI_RECM_BREADY_MAX_WAIT AXI4/AXI3/Lite Recommended that BREADY is asserted within MAXWAITS cycles of BVALID being asserted.
AXI_ERRM_ARADDR_BOUNDARY AXI4/AXI3 A read burst cannot cross a 4 KB boundary.
AXI_ERRM_ARADDR_WRAP_ALIGN AXI4/AXI3 A read transaction with a burst type of WRAP must have an aligned address.
AXI_ERRM_ARBURST AXI4/AXI3 A value of 2'b11 on ARBURST is not permitted when ARVALID is High.
AXI_ERRM_ARLEN_LOCK AXI4/AXI3 Exclusive access transactions cannot have a length greater than 16 beats.
AXI_ERRM_ARCACHE AXI4/AXI3 When ARVALID is High, if ARCACHE[1] is Low, then ARCACHE[3:2] must also be Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARLEN_FIXED AXI4/AXI3 Transactions of burst type FIXED cannot have a length greater than 16 beats.
AXI_ERRM_ARLEN_WRAP AXI4/AXI3 A read transaction with burst type of WRAP must have a length of 2, 4, 8, or 16.
AXI_ERRM_ARSIZE AXI4/AXI3 The size of a read transfer must not exceed the width of the data interface.
AXI_ERRM_ARVALID_RESET AXI4/AXI3/Lite ARVALID is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.
AXI_ERRM_ARADDR_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite ARADDR must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARBURST_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARBURST must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARCACHE_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARCACHE must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARID must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARLEN_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARLEN must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARLOCK_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARLOCK must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARPROT_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite ARPROT must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARSIZE_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARSIZE must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARQOS_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARQOS must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARREGION_STABLE AXI4 ARREGION must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARVALID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Once ARVALID is asserted, it must remain asserted until ARREADY is High.
AXI_RECS_ARREADY_MAX_WAIT AXI4/AXI3/Lite Recommended that ARREADY is asserted within MAXWAITS cycles of ARVALID being asserted.
AXI_ERRS_RDATA_NUM AXI4/AXI3 The number of read data items must match the corresponding ARLEN.
AXI_ERRS_RID AXI4/AXI3 The read data must always follow the address that it relates to. Therefore, a slave can only give read data with an ID to match an outstanding read transaction.
AXI_ERRS_RRESP_EXOKAY AXI4/AXI3 An EXOKAY read response can only be given to an exclusive read access.
AXI_ERRS_RVALID_RESET AXI4/AXI3/Lite RVALID is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.
AXI_ERRS_RDATA_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite RDATA must remain stable when RVALID is asserted and RREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_RID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 RID must remain stable when RVALID is asserted and RREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_RLAST_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 RLAST must remain stable when RVALID is asserted and RREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_RRESP_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite RRESP must remain stable when RVALID is asserted and RREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_RVALID_STABLE AXI4/AXI3/Lite Once RVALID is asserted, it must remain asserted until RREADY is High.
AXI_RECM_RREADY_MAX_WAIT AXI4/AXI3/Lite Recommended that RREADY is asserted within MAXWAITS cycles of RVALID being asserted.
AXI_ERRM_EXCL_ALIGN AXI4/AXI3 The address of an exclusive access is aligned to the total number of bytes in the transaction.
AXI_ERRM_EXCL_LEN AXI4/AXI3 The number of bytes to be transferred in an exclusive access burst is a power of 2, that is, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 bytes.
AXI_RECM_EXCL_MATCH AXI4/AXI3 Recommended that the address, size, and length of an exclusive write with a given ID is the same as the address, size, and length of the preceding exclusive read with the same ID.
AXI_ERRM_EXCL_MAX AXI4/AXI3 128 is the maximum number of bytes that can be transferred in an exclusive burst.
AXI_RECM_EXCL_PAIR AXI4/AXI3 Recommended that every exclusive write has an earlier outstanding exclusive read with the same ID.
AXI_ERRM_AWUSER_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 AWUSER must remain stable when AWVALID is asserted and AWREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_WUSER_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 WUSER must remain stable when WVALID is asserted and WREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_BUSER_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 BUSER must remain stable when BVALID is asserted and BREADY Low.
AXI_ERRM_ARUSER_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 ARUSER must remain stable when ARVALID is asserted and ARREADY Low.
AXI_ERRS_RUSER_STABLE AXI4/AXI3 RUSER must remain stable when RVALID is asserted and RREADY Low.
AXI_AUXM_RCAM_OVERFLOW AXI4/AXI3/Lite Read CAM overflow, increase MAXRBURSTS parameter.
AXI_AUXM_WCAM_OVERFLOW AXI4/AXI3/Lite Write CAM overflow, increase MAXWBURSTS parameter.
AXI_AUXM_EXCL_OVERFLOW AXI4/AXI3 Exclusive access monitor overflow, increase EXMON_WIDTH parameter.
AXI4LITE_ERRS_BRESP_EXOKAY Lite A slave must not give an EXOKAY response on an AXI4-Lite interface.
AXI4LITE_ERRS_RRESP_EXOKAY Lite A slave must not give an EXOKAY response on an AXI4-Lite interface.
AXI4LITE_AUXM_DATA_WIDTH Lite DATA_WIDTH parameter is 32 or 64.