The following table lists the AMD configuration checks and descriptions.
Name of Protocol Check | Protocol Support | Description |
XILINX_AW_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST | AXI4/AXI3 | When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AW Master cannot issue a transfer with AWLEN > 0 and AWSIZE less than the defined interface DATA_WIDTH. |
XILINX_AR_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST | AXI4/AXI3 | When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AR Master cannot issue a transfer with ARLEN > 0 and ARSIZE less than the defined interface DATA_WIDTH. |
XILINX_AW_SUPPORTS_NARROW_CACHE | AXI4/AXI3 | When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AW Master cannot issue a transfer with AWLEN > 0 and AWCACHE modifiable bit not asserted. |
XILINX_AR_SUPPORTS_NARROW_CACHE | AXI4/AXI3 | When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AR Master cannot issue a transfer with ARLEN > 0 and ARCACHE modifiable bit not asserted. |
XILINX_AW_MAX_BURST | AXI4/AXI3 | AW Master cannot issue AWLEN greater than the configured maximum burst length. |
XILINX_AR_MAX_BURST | AXI4/AXI3 | AR Master cannot issue ARLEN greater than the configured maximum burst length. |
XILINX_AWVALID_RESET | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | AWREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High. |
XILINX _WVALID_RESET | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | WREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High. |
XILINX _BVALID_RESET | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | BREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High. |
XILINX _ARVALID_RESET | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | ARREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High. |
XILINX _RVALID_RESET | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | RREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High. |
ARESET_XCHECK | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | AREST_N cannot be X/Z after one clock cycle. |
XILINX_AXI_ERRM_RESET_PULSE_WIDTH | AXI4/AXI3/Lite | ARESETN must stay at least 16 clock cycles long when it goes Low. For more information, see the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037). |