Resource Use - 3.4 English - PG338

DPUCZDX8G for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs Product Guide (PG338)

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3.4 English

The resource utilization of a sample DPUCZDX8G single core project is as follows. The data is based on the ZCU102 platform with low RAM usage, depthwise convolution, average pooling, channel augmentation, average pool, leaky ReLU + ReLU6 features, and low DSP usage.

In the following tables, the triplet (PPxICPxOCP) after the architecture refers to the pixel parallelism, input channel parallelism, and output channel parallelism.

Table 1. Resources of Different DPUCZDX8G Architectures
DPUCZDX8G Architecture LUT Register Block RAM DSP
B512 (4x8x8) 27893 35435 73.5 78
B800 (4x10x10) 30468 42773 91.5 117
B1024 (8x8x8) 34471 50763 105.5 154
B1152 (4x12x12) 33238 49040 123 164
B1600 (8x10x10) 38716 63033 127.5 232
B2304 (8x12x12) 42842 73326 167 326
B3136 (8x14x14) 47667 85778 210 436
B4096 (8x16x16) 53540 105008 257 562

Another example of a DPUCZDX8G single core project is based on the ZCU104 platform. In this project, the image and weights buffer utilize UltraRAM. The project is configured with low RAM usage, depthwise convolution, average pooling, channel augmentation, average pool, leaky ReLU + ReLU6 features, and low DSP usage. The resource utilization of this project is as follows.

Table 2. Resources of DPUCZDX8G using UltraRAM
DPUCZDX8G Architecture LUT Register Block RAM UltraRAM DSP
B512 (4x8x8) 27396 35251 1.5 18 78
B800 (4x10x10) 30356 42463 1.5 40 117
B1024 (8x8x8) 34134 50820 1.5 26 154
B1152 (4x12x12) 33103 49502 2 44 164
B1600 (8x10x10) 38526 63294 1.5 56 232
B2304 (8x12x12) 42538 74000 2 60 326
B3136 (8x14x14) 47270 85782 2 64 436
B4096 (8x16x16) 52681 104562 2 68 562