Customizing and Generating the Core in the Vitis IDE - 3.4 English - PG338

DPUCZDX8G for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs Product Guide (PG338)

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Release Date
3.4 English

The Vitis™ embedded software development flow has the following two methods to generate the core:

  1. GUI Flow
  2. Command Flow

The command flow is recommended for its flexibility and ease of use. If you want to use the GUI flow, refer to here.

The build process for the DPUCZDX8G is shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. Build Process for the DPUCZDX8G

The following definitions describe the command flow and the process of using the DPUCZDX8G IP with the Vitis libraries:

Makefile and other scripts
The DPUCZDX8G kernel is independently compiled to a Xilinx object (.xo) file. It is compiled using the package_xo utility. The RTL kernel wizard in the Vitis IDE can be used to simplify this process. The .xo file is linked with the hardware platform (shell) to create the FPGA binary (.xclbin). The v++ compiler automatically uses the Vivado® Design Suite tools to build the kernels to run on the FPGA platform.

The Makefile and the other scripts are present in the Vitis DPU TRD.

Configure DPUCZDX8G Parameters
You can modify the Vitis-AI/DPU-TRD/prj/Vitis/dpu_conf.vh file to configure the DPU parameters. See Product Specification for more details on the DPU parameters.
Select the hardware architecture from the following:: B512, B800, B1024, B1600, B2304, B3136, and B4096. For the B4096, the definition is as follows:
`define B4096
UltraRAM Number
Modify the dpu_config.vh file to set the numbers. Enable `define URAM_ENABLE and `define URAM_DISABLE.

When UltraRAM is enabled, set the following parameters:

  • 'define def_UBANK_IMG_N 5
  • 'define def_UBANK_WGT_N 17
  • 'define def_UBANK_BIAS 1

The following table lists the recommended UltraRAM numbers for different architectures. You can also adjust the numbers according to the resource usage of the entire project.

Table 1. Recommended UltraRAM Numbers
  B512 B800 B1024 B1152 B1600 B2304 B3136 B4096
U_BANK_IMG 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 5
U_BANK_WGT 9 11 9 13 11 13 15 17
U_BANK_BIAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
RAM Usage

RAM usage high - `define RAM_USAGE_HIGH

RAM usage low - `define RAM_USAGE_LOW

Channel Augmentation




Enable - `define DWCV_ENABLE

Disable - `define DWCV_DSIABLE


Enable - `define POOL_AVG_ENABLE

Disable - `define POOL_AVG_DISABLE

Elementwise Multiply

Enable - `define ELEW_MULT_ENABLE

Disable - `define ELEW_MULT_DISABLE

There are two options of RELU type, they are:
If you want to use the RELU, Leaky ReLU, and ReLU6, define as shown below:
DSP Usage

High - `define DSP48_USAGE_HIGH

Low - `define DSP48_USAGE_LOW

Low Power Mode

Enable - `define LOWPOWER_ENABLE

Disable - `define LOWPOWER_DISABLE

Device Configuration

Support Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC - `define MPSOC.

Set the DPUCZDX8G Number
The number of cores is set to one by default. Add the [connectivity] property to configure the DPU number as follows:

The project will integrate two DPUs.

The Softmax IP is an independent kernel. The user can choose whether to integrate Softmax IP according to their own applications. Please refer to Vitis DPU TRD Flow for the detail method.
Specify Connectivity for the Ports
Specify the connectivity to the various ports in the system for the DPU. Add the [connectivity] property to configure the DPUCZDX8G ports.
Use the following command to check the ports of platform:
% platforminfo -p zcu102_base/zcu102_base.xpfm
Figure 2. Platform Information

If the platform does not have enough ports to connect to all the ports of the DPUCZDX8G, then the ports can be shared.

Add the [connectivity] property to specify the DPUCZDX8G ports as follows:


The project may have timing issues. You can add the [vivado] property to configure the Vivado implementation strategy.


The Vivado implementation step uses the Performance_Explore strategy.