The I/O Report replaces Xilinx® ISE® Design Suite PAD file. The I/O Report lists:
- Pin Number: All the pins in the device
- Signal Name: The name of the user I/O assigned to the pin
- Bank Type: The bank type where the I/O is located (High Range, High Performance, Dedicated, etc.)
- Pin Name: Name of the pin
- Use: The I/O usage type (Input, Output, Power/Ground, Unconnected, etc.)
- I/O Standard: The I/O standard for the User I/O
An asterisk (*) indicates that it is the default. This differs from the I/O Ports window of the Vivado IDE.
- I/O Bank Number: The I/O Bank where the pin is located
- Drive (mA): The drive strength in milliamps
- Slew Rate: The Slew Rate configuration of the buffer: Fast or Slow
- Termination: The on/off chip termination settings
- Voltage: The values for various pins, including VCCO, VCCAUX, and related pins
- Constraint: Displays Fixed if the pin has been constrained by the user
- Signal Integrity: The Signal Integrity of the pin