Implementation Strategy Name | Description |
Vivado® Implementation Defaults | Balances runtime with trying to achieve timing closure. |
Performance_Explore | Uses multiple algorithms for optimization, placement, and routing to get potentially better results. |
Performance_ExplorePostRoutePhysOpt | Similar to Peformance_Explore but adds
phys_opt_design after routing for further
improvements. |
Performance_LBlockPlacement | Ignore timing constraints for placing block RAM and DSPs, use wirelength instead. |
Performance_LBlockPlacementFanoutOpt | Ignore timing constraints for placing block RAM and DSPs, use wirelength instead, and perform aggressive replication of high fanout drivers. |
Performance_EarlyBlockPlaceent | Finalize placement of Block RAM and DSPs in the early stages of global placement. |
Performance_NetDelay_high | To compensate for optimistic delay estimation, add extra delay cost to long distance and high fanout connections (high setting, most pessimistic). |
Performance_NetDelay_low |
To compensate for optimistic delay estimation, add extra delay cost to long distance and high fanout connections low setting, least pessimistic). |
Performance_Retiming | Combines retiming in phys_opt_design with extra
placement optimization and higher router delay cost. |
Performance_ExtraTimingOpt | Runs additional timing-driven optimizations to potentially improve overall timing slack. |
Performance_RefinePlacement | Increase placer effort in the post-placement optimization phase, and disable timing relaxation in the router. |
Performance_SpreadSLL | A placement variation for SSI devices with tendency to spread SLR crossings horizontally. |
Performance_BalanceSLL | A placement variation for SSI devices with more frequent crossings of SLR boundaries. |
Congestion_SpreadLogic_high | Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions (high setting is the highest degree of spreading). |
Congestion_SpreadLogic_medium | Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions (medium setting is the medium degree of spreading). |
Congestion_SpreadLogic_low | Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions (low setting is the lowest degree of spreading). |
Congestion_SpreadLogic_Explore | Similar to Congestion_SpreadLogic_high, but uses the Explore directive for routing. |
Congestion_SSI_SpreadLogic_high | Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions, intended for SSI devices (high setting is the highest degree of spreading). |
Congestion_SSI_SpreadLogic_low | Spread logic throughout the device to avoid creating congested regions, intended for SSI devices (low setting is the lowest degree of spreading). |
Area_Explore | Uses multiple optimization algorithms to get potentially fewer LUTs. |
Area_ExploreSequential | Similar to Area_Explore but adds optimization across sequential cells. |
Area_ExploreWithRemap | Similar to Area_Explore but adds the remap optimization to compress logic levels. |
Power_DefaultOpt | Adds power optimization (power_opt_design ) to reduce
power consumption. |
Power_ExploreArea | Combines sequential area optimization with power optimization
(power_opt_design ) to reduce power
consumption. |
Flow_RunPhysOpt | Similar to the Implementation Run Defaults, but enables the physical
optimization step (phys_opt_design ). |
Flow_RunPostRoutePhysOpt | Similar to Flow_RunPhysOpt, but enables the Post-Route physical
optimization step with the -directive Explore
option. |
Flow_RuntimeOptimized | Each implementation step trades design performance for better run
time. Physical optimization (phys_opt_design ) is
disabled. |
Flow_Quick | Fastest possible runtime, all timing-driven behavior disabled. Useful for utilization estimation. |