Performs post-place or post-route optimizations to improve the path delay of
inter-SLR connections. The optimization adjusts the locations of the driver, load, or
both along the SLR crossing. Replication is supported in post-route optimization if the
driver has inter- and intra-SLR loads.
TNS cleanup option is supported with the -tns_cleanup
switch with the -slr_crossing_opt
switch. TNS cleanup allows some slack degradation on other paths when
performing inter-SLR path optimization as long as the overall WNS of the design does not
degrade. For UltraScale devices, either a TX_REG or
an RX_REG SLL register can be targeted. In UltraScale+ devices both, TX_REG and RX_REG
registers on the same inter-SLR connection can be targeted.