clk_b <= clk;
clk_prcs : process (clk)
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
result <= data;
end if;
end process;
clk_b_prcs : process (clk_b)
if (clk_b'event and clk_b='1') then
result1 <= result;
end if;
end process;
In this example, there are two synchronous processes:
The simulator performs the clk_b <= clk
assignment before advancing the simulation time. As a result, events that should occur in two clock edges occur in one clock edge instead, causing a race condition.
Recommended ways to introduce causality in simulators for such cases include:
- Do not change clock and data at the same time. Insert a delay at every output.
- Use the same clock.
- Force a delta delay by using a temporary signal, as shown in the following example:
clk_b <= clk; clk_prcs : process (clk) begin if (clk'event and clk='1') then result <= data; end if; end process; result_temp <= result; clk_b_prcs : process (clk_b) begin if (clk_b'event and clk_b='1') then result1 <= result_temp; end if; end process;
Most event-based simulators can display delta cycles. Use this to your advantage when debugging simulation issues.