Following are the supported features of VHDL 2008 (IEEE1076-2008):
- Matching relational operators.
- Maximum and minimum operators.
- Shift operators (rol, ror, sll, srl, sla, and sra).
- Unary logical reduction operators.
- Mixing array and scalar logical operators.
- If-else-if and case generate.
- Sequential assignments.
- Case? Statements.
- Select? Statements.
- Unconstrained element types.
- boolean_vector and integer_vector array types.
- Reading output ports.
- Expressions in port maps.
- Process (all) statement.
- Referencing generics in generic lists.
- Generic types in entities.
- Relaxed return rules for function return values.
- Extensions to globally static and locally static expressions.
- Static ranges and integer expressions in range bounds.
- Block comments.
- Context declaration.
Note: For detailed information about features, see
Supported VHDL-2008 Features section in
Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).