check_timing - 2021.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Check the design for possible timing problems


check_timing [‑file <arg>] [‑no_header] [‑loop_limit <arg>] [‑append]
    [‑name <arg>] [‑override_defaults <args>] [‑include <args>]
    [‑exclude <args>] [‑return_string] [‑rpx <arg>] [‑cells <args>]
    [‑verbose] [‑quiet]


Name Description
[-file] Filename to output results to. (send output to console if -file is not used)
[-no_header] do not generate a report header
[-loop_limit] Limit the number of loops reported for loops check Default: 100
[-append] Append the results to file, don't overwrite the results file
[-name] Output the results to GUI panel with this name
[-override_defaults] Overrides the checks in the default timing checks listed below
[-include] Add this list of checks to be performed along with default timing checks listed below
[-exclude] Exclude this list of checks to be performed from the default timing checks listed below
[-return_string] return report as string
[-rpx] Filename to output interactive results to.
[-cells] run check_timing on the specified cell(s)
[-verbose] Return a detailed list of all timing problems found
[-quiet] Ignore command errors


Report, Timing


Checks the design elements of ports, pins, and paths, against the current timing constraints. Use this command to identify possible problems with design data and timing constraints before running the report_timing command. The check_timing command runs a series of default timing checks, and reports a summary of any violations found. To get detailed information about violations, use the -verbose option.
Note: By default the report is written to the Tcl console or STD output. However, the results can also be written to the GUI with the -name option, or to a file with -file.

Default Timing Checks:

  • constant_clock - Checks for clock signals connected to a constant signal (gnd/vss/data).
  • generated_clocks - Checks for loops, or circular definitions within the generated clock network. This check will return an error if a generated clock uses a second generated clock as its source, when the second generated clock uses the first clock as its source.
  • latch_loops - Checks for and warns of combinational latch loops in the design.
  • loops - Checks for and warns of combinational feedback loops in the design.
  • multiple_clock - Warns if multiple clocks reach a register clock pin. If more than one clock signal reaches a register clock pin it is unclear which clock will be used for analysis. In this case, use the set_case_analysis command so that only one clock will propagate to the register clock pin.
  • no_clock - Reports unclocked registers. In this case, no setup or hold checks are performed on data pins related to the register clock pin.
  • no_input_delay - Reports the input ports without an input delay constraint. Input delays can be assigned using the set_input_delay command. Input ports that are unclocked will not be checked for input delays.
  • no_output_delay - Reports the output ports without an output delay constraint. Output delays can be assigned using the set_output_delay command. Output ports that are unclocked will not be checked for output delays.
  • partial_input_delay - Reports the input ports having partially defined input delay constraints. Assigning set_input_delay -max or set_input_delay -min to an input port, without assigning the other, creates a partially defined input delay. In such cases, paths starting from the input port may become unconstrained and no timing checks will be done against the port. Assigning set_input_delay without specifying either -min or -max allows the tool to assume both min and max delays, and so does not result in a partial input delay.
    Note: Unclocked input ports are not checked for partial input delays.
  • partial_output_delay - Reports the output ports having partially defined output delay constraints. Assigning set_output_delay -max or set_output_delay -min to an output port, without assigning the other, creates a partially defined output delay. In such cases, paths reaching the port may become unconstrained and no timing checks will be done against the port. Assigning set_output_delay without specifying either -min or -max allows the tool to assume both min and max delays, and so does not result in a partial output delay.
    Note: Unclocked output ports are not checked for partial output delays.
  • pulse_width_clock - Reports clock pins that have only a pulse width check associated with the pin, and no setup or hold check, no recovery, removal, or clk->Q check.
  • unconstrained_internal_endpoints - This warning identifies timing path endpoints at register data pins that are not constrained. Endpoints at register data pins are constrained by clock assignment using the create_clock command. Endpoints at output ports are checked and reported by the no_output_delay check.
  • unexpandable_clocks - Reports clock sets in which the period is not expandable with respect to each other, when there is at least 1 path between the clock sets. A clock is unexpandable if no common multiples are found within 1000 cycles between the source and destination clocks.


-file <arg> - (Optional) Write the results to the specified file on disk. By default, the output of this command is written to the Tcl console.
Note: If the path is not specified as part of the file name, the tool will write the named file into the current working directory, or the directory from which the tool was launched.

-append - Append the results to the specified file. As a default the check_timing command will overwrite an existing file when the -file argument is specified.

-no_header - (Optional) Do not write the standard header to the report. This is a boolean option that is enabled by its use.

-loop_limit <arg> - (Optional) The number of loops to identify and report during the loop and latch_loop checks. The check_timing command will continue to perform other checks after the -loop_limit has been reached.

-name <arg> - (Optional) Creates the named report in the Timing Results view of the GUI.

-override_defaults <args> - (Optional) Override the default timing checks and run only the specified checks.
Tip: Multiple checks should be enclosed in quotes, "", or braces, {}.

-include <args> - (Optional) Run the specified checks in addition to the current default checks.

-exclude <args> - (Optional) Exclude the specified checks from the default checks performed by the check_timing command. Specify the checks to be excluded from the list of default checks.

-return_string - (Optional) Directs the output to a Tcl string rather than to the standard output. The Tcl string can be captured by a variable definition and parsed or otherwise processed.
Note: This argument cannot be used with the -file option.
-rpx <arg> - (Optional) Specify the file name and path of an Xilinx report file (RPX) to write. This is different from writing the report results to a file using the -file argument. The RPX file is an interactive report that contains all the report information and can be reloaded into memory in the Vivado Design Suite using the open_report command. You should add a .rpx file extension to the specified file name, as the Vivado tool will not automatically assign a file extension.
Note: If the path is not specified as part of the file name, the file will be written into the current working directory, or the directory from which the tool was launched.

-cells <arg> - (Option) Perform the timing checks for the specified hierarchical cells. The details of the report will be based on the specified cells rather than the whole design.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.

-verbose - (Optional) Return more detailed results from the checks that are run. Returns details of the problems found.


The following example runs check_timing, but excludes the specified checks from the default timing checks:
check_timing -exclude {loops generated_clocks}
The following example uses the -verbose argument to obtain detailed results running just the multiple_clocks check, and then uses get_clocks to look further into the issue:
check_timing -verbose -override_defaults {multiple_clock}
  Checking multiple_clock.
  There are 2 register/latch pins with multiple clocks.
get_clocks -of_objects [get_pin procEngine/mode_du/set_reg[0]/C]
  sysClk coreClk