report_methodology - 2021.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Methodology Checks


report_methodology [‑name <arg>] [‑cells <args>] [‑checks <args>]
    [‑file <arg>] [‑rpx <arg>] [‑append] [‑waived] [‑no_waivers]
    [‑slack_lesser_than <arg>] [‑return_string] [‑merge_exceptions <arg>]
    [‑quiet] [‑verbose]


Name Description
[-name] Output the results to GUI panel with this name
[-cells] Run report_methodology on the specified cell(s).
[-checks] Report Methodology checks (see get_methodology_checks for available checks)
[-file] Filename to output results to. (send output to console if -file is not used)
[-rpx] Report filename for persisted results.
[-append] Append the results to file, do not overwrite the results file
[-waived] Output result is Waived checks
[-no_waivers] Disable waivers for checks
[-slack_lesser_than] Set SYNTH rules Slack Threshold value in 'ns' (float) Default: 2.0
[-return_string] return report as string
[-merge_exceptions] Allow/Prevent the timing engine from merging timing exceptions. Valid values are auto/true/false Default: auto
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution


Methodology, Report, Timing


Check the current design against a specified set of methodology checks and report any errors or violations that are found.

Methodology checks are a special class of design rule checks (DRC) that are accessible through this separate Tcl command. The methodology checks are a necessary part of the design flow, and should be considered mandatory after implementation and prior to generating the bitstream.

Tip: Other than their availability through the separate report_methodology command, the checks are standard design rule checks in every other way.

The report_methodology command requires an open design to check the design rules against. The command returns a report with the results of violations found by the design rule checks. Violations are returned as Vivado objects that can be listed with the get_methodology_violations command, and are associated with cells, pins, ports, nets, and sites in the current design. You can get the cells, nets, and other design objects that are associated with methodology violation objects, using the -of_objects option of the get_cells command for instance.

The report_methodology command runs the methodology rule deck, or you can use the -checks option to specify the set of checks to run. Methodology checks can also be enabled or disabled in the default rule decks using the IS_ENABLED property on the rule check object:
set_property IS_ENABLED FALSE [get_methodology_checks PDRC-190]
If a rule IS_ENABLED false, the rule will not be run by the report_methodology command.
Tip: You can reset the properties of a methodology rule to the factory default settings using the reset_methodology_check command.

You can reset the current results of the report_methodology command, clearing any found violations, using the reset_methodology command.


-name <arg> - (Optional) The name to assign to the results when run in GUI mode.

-cells <arg> - (Optional) Specify the cells to use when running report_methodology. Cells should be hierarchical modules of the design. Use this option to specify a cell other than the top cell for analysis. Cells can be specified by name, or as objects returned by the get_cells command.

-checks <args> - (Optional) A list of rule checks to run the methodology report against. All specified rules will be checked against the current design. Rules are listed by their group name or full key. Using the -checks option creates a temporary user-defined rule deck, with the specified design rule checks, and uses the temporary rule deck for the run.

-file <arg> - (Optional) Write the methodology report into the specified file. The specified file will be overwritten if one already exists, unless -append is also specified.
Note: If the path is not specified as part of the file name, the file will be written into the current working directory, or the directory from which the tool was launched.
-append - (Optional) Append the output of the command to the specified file rather than overwriting it.
Note: The -append option can only be used with the -file option.
-return_string - (Optional) Directs the output to a Tcl string rather than to the standard output. The Tcl string can be captured by a variable definition and parsed or otherwise processed.
Note: This argument cannot be used with the -file option.
-rpx <arg> - (Optional) Specify the file name and path of an Xilinx report file (RPX) to write. This is different from writing the report results to a file using the -file argument. The RPX file is an interactive report that contains all the report information and can be reloaded into memory in the Vivado Design Suite using the open_report command. You should add a .rpx file extension to the specified file name, as the Vivado tool will not automatically assign a file extension.
Note: If the path is not specified as part of the file name, the file will be written into the current working directory, or the directory from which the tool was launched.

-waived - (Optional) Causes only the methodology checks waived by the create_waiver command to be run and reported. This returns the actual violation rather than the definition of the waiver, which can be reported by the report_waivers command.

-no_waivers - (Optional) Ignore the waivers defined by the create_waivers command and report all methodology violations.

-slack_lesser_than <arg> - (Optional) Only report SYNTH methodology violations when the calculated slack value on a path is less than the specified value.

-merge_exceptions [ auto | true | false ] - (Optional) Allow or prevent the timing engine from merging the timing exceptions. Some methodology violations include the constraint position number inside the message. This information can only be reported when the exceptions are not merged, but at the expense of runtime and memory. In auto mode, when the tool estimates that the complexity of the timing constraints could result in a significant higher runtime, the exceptions are not merged. The user can override the default behavior by forcing the exceptions to be always merged (true) or never merged (false).
Note: The valid values are true, false or auto with a default setting of auto.
-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.


Run the default methodology checks against the current design and write the results to the specified file.
report_methodology -file C:/Data/methodology_Rpt1.txt -append
Note: The -append option adds the result to the specified file.