export_ip_user_files - 2021.1 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Generate and export IP/IP integrator user files from a project. This can be scoped to work on one or more IPs.


export_ip_user_files [-of_objects <arg>] [-ip_user_files_dir <arg>]
                      [-ipstatic_source_dir <arg>] [-lib_map_path <arg>]
                      [-no_script] [-sync] [-reset] [-force] [-quiet]

Returns: List of files that were exported.


Table 1. export_ip_user_files
Name Description

IP, IP integrator or a fileset.

Default: None


Directory path to simulation base directory (for static, dynamic, wrapper, netlist, script, and MEM files).

Default: None


Directory path to the static IP files.

Default: None


Compiled simulation library directory path.

Default: Empty


Do not export simulation scripts.

Default: 1

[-sync] Delete IP/IP integrator dynamic and simulation script files.
[-reset] Delete all IP/IP integrator static, dynamic and simulation script files.
[-force] Overwrite files.
[-quiet] Ignore command errors.
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution.


Export IP user files repository with static, dynamic, netlist, Verilog/VHDL stubs and memory initialization files.


(Optional) Specify the target object for which the IP static and dynamic files needs to be exported.
(Optional) Directory path to IP user files base directory (for dynamic and other IP non static files). By default, if this switch is not specified then this command will use the path specified with the IP.USER_FILES_DIR project property value.
(Optional) Directory path to the static IP files. By default, if this switch is not specified then this command will use the path specified with the SIM.IPSTATIC_SOURCE_DIR project property value.
Note: If the -ip_user_files_dir switch is specified, by default the IP static files will be exported under the sub-directory with the name ipstatic. If this switch is specified with -ipstatic_source_dir, then the IP static files will be exported in the path specified with the -ipstatic_source_dir switch.
(Optional) Delete all files from central directory (including static, dynamic and other files)


The following command will export char_fifo IP dynamic files to <project>/<project>.ip_user_files/ip/char_fifo directory and char_fifo IP static files to <project>/<project>.ip_user_files/ipstatic directory:

% export_ip_user_files -of_objects [get_ips char_fifo]