Finding Protocol Instances Using a Tcl Command - 2021.1 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Protocol instance objects have a Tcl type field of proto_inst. You can use the get_objects Tcl command to locate protocol instances in or under a specific scope.

Use the Following Command to Locate All Protocol Instances in the Design:

get_objects /* -r -filter {type==proto_inst}

Use the Following Command to Locate All Protocol Instances in a Scope:

get_objects <Design scope hierarchy>/* -filter {type==proto_inst}

Use the Following Command to Locate All Protocol Instances in or under a Scope:

get_objects /system_tb/base_mb_wrapper/base_mb_i/* -r -filter {type==proto_inst}