The Find Toolbar allows you to search one or more waveforms for a specified value. You can search for either an exact value, such as 23FF, or a pattern that matches a set of values, such as "any value whose first two digits are 23 and whose fourth digit is F."
Figure 1. Find Value option and Find Toolbar

Important: This search feature supports only scalar and vector (1-D) wave objects of a “logic” type. Logic types include 2-state and 4-state types of Verilog/SystemVerilog and bit and std_logic of VHDL.
To perform the search:
- In the Name column, select one or more design wave objects (wave objects that have waveforms).
- Right-click one of the selected wave objects in either the Name column or Value column and choose the Find Value option to activate the Find Toolbar.
- On the Find Toolbar, choose a radix for your search value from the Radix drop down list. The search feature supports the following radixes:
- Binary
- Hexadecimal
- Octal
- Unsigned Decimal
- Signed Decimal
- In the blank text box on the Find Toolbar, enter a value pattern consisting of a string of digits valid for the radix you chose. Valid digits include numeric digits, VHDL MVL 9 literals (U, X, 0, 1, Z, W, L, H, -), and Verilog literals (0, 1, x, z).
Note: If you enter an invalid digit, the text box turns red, and an error message appears at the right side of the toolbar. The set of valid numeric digits depends on the radix. For example, if you chose the Octal radix, numeric digits are those between 0 and 7. Numeric digits for hexadecimal include 0 through 9 and A through F (or a through f). You may enter the special digit '.' to specify a match with any digit value. For example, the Octal value pattern “12.4” matches occurrences of 1234, 1204, and 12X4 encountered in the waveform.
- Choose a match style from the following options in the Match drop down list:
- Exact: Waveform values must contain the same number of
digits as in the value pattern to be considered a match. For example, a
value pattern of "1234" matches occurrences of 1234 encountered in the
waveform but not 123 or 12345.Tip: With the Exact match style you may omit leading zeros from the value pattern. For example, to find the value 0023 in the waveform, you may specify a value pattern of “0023” or simply “23.”
- Beginning: Any waveform value whose beginning digits match the value pattern is considered a match. For example, a value pattern of “1234” matches occurrences of 1234 and 12345 encountered in the waveform but not 1235 or 123. This option is available only for radixes binary, octal, and hexadecimal.
- End: Any waveform value whose ending digits match the value pattern is considered a match. For example, a value pattern of “1234” matches occurrences of 1234 and 91234 encountered in the waveform but not 1235 or 234. This option is available only for radixes binary, octal, and hexadecimal.
- Click the Next button or press the Enter key to move the
main cursor forward to the nearest match, or click the Previous button
to move the main cursor backward to the nearest match. With multiple
wave objects selected, the cursor stops on the nearest match of any of
the selected wave objects. Tip: If there are no matches in the requested direction, the cursor remains stationary and a “Value not found” message appears on the right side of the toolbar.
- Exact: Waveform values must contain the same number of
digits as in the value pattern to be considered a match. For example, a
value pattern of "1234" matches occurrences of 1234 encountered in the
waveform but not 123 or 12345.