xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim Command Options - 2021.1 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

The following table lists the command options for the xelab, xvhdl, and xvlog xsim commands.

Table 1. xelab, xvhd, and xvlog Command Options
Command Option Description Used by Command
-d [define] <name>[=<val>] Define Verilog macros. Use -d|--define for each Verilog macro. The format of the macro is <name>[=<val>] where <name> is name of the macro and <value> is an optional value of the macro.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-debug <kind> Compile with specified debugging ability turned on. The <kind> options are:
  • typical: Most commonly used abilities, including: line and wave.
  • line: HDL breakpoint.
  • wave: Waveform generation, conditional execution, force value.
  • xlibs: Visibility into Xilinx® precompiled libraries. This option is only available on the command line.
  • off: Turn off all debugging abilities (Default).
  • all: Uses all the debug options.
-encryptdumps Encrypt parsed dump of design units being compiled.

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-f [-file] <filename> Read additional options from the specified file.


xsim Executable Options

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-generic_top <value> Override generic or parameter of a top-level design unit with specified value. Example: -generic_top "P1=10" xelab
-h [-help] Print this help message.


xsim Executable Options

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-i [include] <directory_name> Specify directories to be searched for files included using Verilog `include. Use -i|--include for each specified search directory.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-initfile <init_filename> User-defined simulator initialization file to add to or override settings provided by the default xsim.ini file.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-L [-lib] <library_name> [=<library_dir>]

Specify search libraries for the instantiated non-VHDL design units; for example, a Verilog design unit.

Use -L|--lib for each search library. The format of the argument is <name>[=<dir>] where <name> is the logical name of the library and <library_dir> is an optional physical directory of the library.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-log <filename> Specify the log file name. Default: <xvlog|xvhdl|xelab|xsim>.log.


xsim Executable Options

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-maxarraysize <arg> Set maximum vhdl array size to be 2**n (Default: n = 28, which is 2**28). xelab
-maxdelay Compile Verilog design units with maximum delays. xelab
-maxdesigndepth <arg> Override maximum design hierarchy depth allowed by the elaborator (Default: 5000). xelab
-maxlogsize <arg> Set the maximum size a log file can reach in MB. The default setting is unlimited. xsim Executable Options
-mindelay Compile Verilog design units with minimum delays. xelab
-mt <arg>

Specifies the number of sub-compilation jobs which can be run in parallel. Possible values are auto, off, or an integer greater than 1.

If auto is specified, xelab selects the number of parallel jobs based on the number of CPUs on the host machine. (Default = auto.)

Advanced usage: to further control the -mt option, you can set the Tcl property as follows:

set_property XELAB.MT_LEVEL off|N 
[get_filesets sim_1]
-nolog Suppress log file generation.


xsim Executable Syntax

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-noieeewarnings Disable warnings from VHDL IEEE functions. xelab
-noname_unnamed_generate Do not generate name for an unnamed generate block.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-notimingchecks Ignore timing check constructs in Verilog specify block(s). xelab
-nosdfinterconnectdelays Ignore SDF port and interconnect delay constructs in SDF. xelab
-nospecify Ignore Verilog path delays and timing checks. xelab
-O <arg> Enable or disable optimizations.
  • -O 0 = Disable optimizations
  • -O 1 = Enable basic optimizations
  • -O 2 = Enable most commonly desired optimizations (Default)
  • -O 3 = Enable advanced optimizations
Note: A lower value speeds compilation at expense of slower simulation: a higher value slows compilation but simulation runs faster.
-override_timeunit Override timeunit for all Verilog modules, with the specified time unit in -timescale option. xelab
-override_timeprecision Override time precision for all Verilog modules, with the specified time precision in -timescale option. xelab
-pulse_e <arg> Path pulse error limit as percentage of path delay. Allowed values are 0 to 100 (Default is 100). xelab
-pulse_r <arg> Path pulse reject limit as percentage of path delay. Allowed values are 0 to 100 (Default is 100). xelab
-pulse_int_e arg Interconnect pulse reject limit as percentage of delay. Allowed values are 0 to 100 (Default is 100). xelab
-pulse_int_r <arg> Interconnect pulse reject limit as percentage of delay. Allowed values are 0 to 100 (Default is 100). xelab
-pulse_e_style <arg> Specify when error about pulse being shorter than module path delay should be handled. Choices are:
  • ondetect: Report error right when violation is detected.
  • onevent: Report error after the module path delay.
Default: onevent
-prj <filename> Specify the Vivado simulator project file containing one or more entries of vhdl|verilog <work lib> <HDL file name>.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-r [-run] Run the generated executable snapshot in command-line interactive mode. xelab
-rangecheck Enable run time value range check for VHDL. xelab
-R [-runall] Run the generated executable snapshot until the end of simulation.


xsim Executable Syntax

-relax Relax strict language rules.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-s [-snapshot] <arg> Specify the name of output simulation snapshot. Default is <worklib>.<unit>; for example: work.top. Additional unit names are concatenated using #; for example: work.t1#work.t2. xelab
-sdfnowarn Do not emit SDF warnings. xelab
-sdfnoerror Treat errors found in SDF file as warning. xelab
-sdfmin <arg> <root>=<file> SDF annotate <file> at <root> with minimum delay. xelab
-sdftyp <arg> <root>=<file> SDF annotate <file> at <root> with typical delay. xelab
-sdfmax <arg> <root>=<file> SDF annotate <file> at <root> with maximum delay. xelab
-sdfroot <root_path> Default design hierarchy at which SDF annotation is applied. xelab
-sourcelibdir <sourcelib_dirname>

Directory for Verilog source files of uncompiled modules.

Use -sourcelibdir <sourcelib_dirname> for each source directory.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-sourcelibext <file_extension>

File extension for Verilog source files of uncompiled modules.

Use -sourcelibext <file extension> for source file extension.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-sourcelibfile <filename> File name of a Verilog source file with uncompiled modules.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-stat Print tool CPU and memory usages, and design statistics. xelab
-sv Compile input files in SystemVerilog mode. Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog
-timescale Specify default timescale for Verilog modules. Default: 1ns/1ps. xelab
-timeprecision_vhdl <arg> Specify time precision for vhdl designs. Default: 1ps. xelab
-transport_int_delays Use transport model for interconnect delays. xelab
-typdelay Compile Verilog design units with typical delays (Default). xelab
-v [verbose] [0|1|2] Specify verbosity level for printing messages. Default = 0.


Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-version Print the compiler version to screen.


xsim Executable Options

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-work <library_name> [=<library_dir>]

Specify the work library. The format of the argument is <name>[=<dir>] where:

  • <name> is the logical name of the library.
  • <library_dir> is an optional physical directory of the library.

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

-sv_root <arg>

Root directory of which DPI libraries are to be found.

Default: <current_directory/xsim.dir/xsc>

--sc_lib arg Shared library name for SystemC functions; (.dll/.so) without the file extension xelab
--sc_root <arg> Root directory of which SystemC libraries are to be found. Default: <current_directory>/xsim.dir/work/xsc xelab
-sv_lib <arg> Shared library name for DPI imported functions (.dll/.so) without the file extension. xelab
-sv_liblist <arg> Bootstrap file pointing to DPI shared libraries. xelab
-dpiheader <arg> Header filename for the exported and imported functions. xelab
-driver_display_limit <arg> Enable driver debugging for signals with maximum size (Default: n = 65536). xelab
-dpi_absolute Use absolute paths instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux for DPI libraries that are formatted as lib<libname>.so. xelab
-incr Enable incremental analysis/elaboration in simulation.

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog


-93_mode Compile VHDL in pure 93 mode.

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog


-2008 Compile VHDL file in 2008 mode. Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog
-nosignalhandlers Don't allow compiler to trap Antivirus, firewall signal.

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog

Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog


-dpi_stacksize <arg> User defined stack size for DPI task. xelab
-transform_timing_checkers Transform timing checker to Verilog process. xelab

Generate a standalone non-interactive simulation executable that performs run-all.

Always use with -R.

To run the simulation faster without any debug capability, use -standalone with -R. It will invoke the Simulation standalone without invoking Vivado IDE. This option will save the license loading time.

-ignore_assertions Ignore SystemVerilog concurrent assertions. xelab
-ignore_coverage Ignore SystemVerilog functional coverage. xelab
-cov_db_dir <arg> Functional coverage database dump directory. The coverage data is present under <arg>/xsim.covdb/<cov_db_name> directory. Default is ./. xelab
-cov_db_name <arg> Functional coverage database name. The coverage data is present under <cov_db_dir>/xsim.covdb/<arg> directory. Default is a snapshot name. xelab
-uvm_version <arg> Specify UVM version (default 1.2). Parsing Design Files, xvhdl and xvlog xelab
-report_assertion_pass Report SystemVerilog Concurrent Assertions Pass, even if there is no pass action block. xelab
-dup_entity_as_module Enable support for hierarchical references inside the Verilog hierarchy in mixed language designs.
This may cause significant slow down of compilation.
-cc_celldefines Specify if code coverage information needs to be captured for libs/modules with cell define attribute set. OFF by default. xelab
-cc_libs Specify if code coverage information needs to be captured for all the libraries specified. OFF by default. xelab
-cc_type arg Specify options for generating Code Coverage Statistics -bcesfxt. (s)Statement Coverage, (b)Branch Coverage, (c)Condition Coverage Supported. xelab
-cc_db arg Code coverage database will be saved inside <cc_dir_argvalue>/xsim.codecov/<cc_db_argvalue>. Default is SnapshotName. xelab
-cc_dir arg Code coverage database will be saved under the dir <cc_dir_argvalue>/xsim.codeCov/<cc_db_argvalue>. Default is ./xsim.codecov/. xelab