Using the Floating Ruler - 2021.1 English - UG900

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

The floating ruler assists with time measurements using a time base other than the absolute simulation time shown on the standard ruler at the top of the Wave window.

You can display (or hide) the floating ruler and drag it to change the vertical position in the Wave window. The time base (time 0) of the floating ruler is the secondary cursor, or, if there is no secondary cursor, the selected marker.

The floating ruler is visible only when the secondary cursor or a marker is present.

  1. Do either of the following to display or hide a floating ruler:
    • Place the secondary cursor.
    • Select a marker.
  2. In the Waveform Settings window, enable (check) the Floating Ruler option.

    You only need to follow this procedure the first time. The floating ruler displays each time you place the secondary cursor or select a marker.

    Uncheck/disable the Floating Ruler option to hide the floating ruler.