Port Constraints - 2020.2 English - UG1076

Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Port constraints are specified in the PortConstraints section. Constraints are grouped by port, such that one or more constraints can be specified per port.


  "PortConstraints": {
    "<port name>": {
<port name> ::= string
<constraint> ::= buffers
               | colocated_nodes
               | not_colocated_nodes
               | colocated_ports
               | not_colocated_ports
               | exclusive_colocated_ports
               | colocated_reserved_memories
               | not_colocated_reserved_memories


  "PortConstraints": {
    "mygraph.k1.in[0]": {
      "colocated_nodes": ["mygraph.k1"]
    "mygraph.k2.in[0]": {
      "colocated_nodes": ["mygraph.k2"]
    "mygraph.p1": {
      "buffers": [{
        "column": 2,
        "row": 1,
        "bankId": 2

Port Names

Ports must be specified by their fully qualified name: <graph name>.<kernel name>.<port name>. In the following example, the graph name is myGraph, the kernel name is k1, and the kernel has two ports named in[0] and out[0] (as specified in kernel1.cc). The fully specified port names are then myGraph.k1.in[0] and myGraph.k1.out[0].

class graph : public adf::graph {
  adf::kernel k1;
  my_graph() { 
    k1 = kernel::create(kernel1);
    source(k1) = "src/kernels/kernel1.cc";
graph myGraph;

Anytime either of these ports are referenced in the constraints JSON file, they must be named myGraph.k1.in[0] and myGraph.k1.out[0], as shown in the various examples throughout this document.